RadioWho: Russ Baker Talks to Traces of Reality Radio about Todashev Killing - WhoWhatWhy RadioWho: Russ Baker Talks to Traces of Reality Radio about Todashev Killing - WhoWhatWhy


WhoWhatWhy’s Russ Baker joins Guillermo Jimenez of Traces of Reality Radio to analyze the killing of Ibragim Todashev by FBI Agent Aaron McFarlane and other strange elements of the official story about the Boston Marathon Bombing.

Guillermo Jimenez, Host of Traces of Reality Radio

Listen to WhoWhatWhy’s Russ Baker and Traces of Reality Radio host Guillermo Jimenez discuss the killing of Boston Marathon Bombing figure Ibragim Todashev by an FBI agent. Russ questions elements of the government’s official story about the Boston Bombing, the tarnished past of the FBI agent who killed Todashev, and what it all means for the state of our basic civil rights in post-9/11 America.

Guillermo is soon going to be joining WhoWhatWhy with a regular podcast, so tune in for a preview:

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