Move over, Liz Warren. Bernie Sanders is the Progressive Icon Move over, Liz Warren. Bernie Sanders is the Progressive Icon

In ‘the people’s republic of Burlington, Vermont’

‘The People for Bernie rally was organized by several former Occupy Wall Street activists, including Ready for Warren co-founder Charles Lenchner. Activists wearing shirts denouncing fast-track trade authority, fracking and George W. Bush held hands in a circle and used the “people’s mic,” a call-and-response tactic used in the Occupy protests to help amplify people’s voices in the circle.’


‘On Tuesday, the [Sanders] campaign tapped New Hampshire labor organizer and former Run Warren Run state director Kurt Ehrenberg to run his operation there. The Sanders campaign has already been aggressively courting organized labor, a crucial area of support for him, and will be going after supporters of Warren, the liberal icon who is all but assured not to run for president.’

Source: It’s not your everyday Americans at Bernie Sanders’ kickoff rally – Jonathan Topaz – POLITICO

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