Trump Is Blowing It With Women - WhoWhatWhy Trump Is Blowing It With Women - WhoWhatWhy

My Body Belongs To Me, sign, St Paul
"My Body Belongs To Me" sign at a Stop Abortion Bans Rally in St. Paul, MN. Photo credit: Lorie Shaull / Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

The gender gap in this election is extremely pronounced. The degree to which women dislike Donald Trump could be the key to its outcome... and the former president is not doing himself any favors. 

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Unquestionably, Donald Trump has an uncanny ability to turn out women voters. There is just one question: Who will they turn out for?

The answer may very well determine the outcome of the election.

There is no doubt that Harris is outperforming Trump with women. But by how much? Is it 8 percent, 10 percent, 15 percent?

If the gap is in the single digits, Trump’s strength with men could put him over the top on Tuesday. But if the gap is in the low-to-mid-teens, his path to victory narrows considerably. Any higher than that, and it evaporates.

So, knowing that women (especially moderate Republicans, independents, and women undecided about whether they want to vote at all) are probably the most important demographic in this election, what has Trump done to earn their support? 

Well, he has mostly alienated them all… in every way possible. 

Some of the concerns they have are related to policy, and others come down to personality. 

With regard to the former, Trump is (rightfully) viewed as the man responsible for overturning Roe. v Wade and limiting women’s access to reproductive health care in many different states, some of which quickly put in place draconian abortion bans. 

Apparently, women are just not fans of being told what they can and cannot do with their own bodies. This has led to pro-choice ballot initiatives passing in several states (including some deep red ones), with more likely to come on Tuesday. 

But Trump’s policies are just part of his problem with women. 

There is also his past that includes a sexual abuse conviction in civil court, multiple sexual assault accusations, the admission of sexual assault captured on tape, serial infidelity, and creepy comments about his daughter. 

In addition, there is Trump’s malignant narcissism and him just being a pretty gross person in many other ways.

All of these traits and behaviors may be familiar to women who have found themselves in abusive relationships (or who have had friends and family members who were). 

Don’t get us wrong, there are indisputably (and bafflingly) some women who are drawn to Trump. However, it seems as though many more find him odious and, even if they support his policies, have to hold their noses to vote for him. 

With these women, he has not been doing himself any favors on the home stretch of this election. 

Just yesterday, he simulated fellatio during one of his performances, and, earlier this week he made the ominous promise of wanting to “protect” women whether they like it or not.

These aren’t the kind of things that get women to the polls… at least not those wanting to vote for Trump.

In his Navigating the Insanity columns, Klaus Marre provides the kind of hard-hitting, thought-provoking, and often humorous analysis you won’t find anywhere else. 

  • Klaus Marre is a senior editor for Politics and director of the Mentor Apprentice Program at WhoWhatWhy. Follow him on Bluesky

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