Do This if You See Voter Suppression - WhoWhatWhy Do This if You See Voter Suppression - WhoWhatWhy

Vote Here, Election, Des Moines, IA
A “Vote Here” sign outside a school in Des Moines, IA serving as a polling location on November 8, 2022. Photo credit: Phil Roeder / Flickr (CC BY 4.0)

Don't stand by and let one voter be denied.

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If you see anything hinky going on —  anything out of the ordinary, anyone harassing voters, anyone being obstructionist with polling place staff — do this: 

Contact local election officials, and, if need be, the Justice Department. It is ready and able to help. Per the department: 

Complaints related to any disruptions at a polling place should always be reported to local election officials (including officials based in the polling place). Complaints related to violence, threats of violence or intimidation at a polling place should be reported immediately to local police authorities by calling 911. These complaints should also be reported to the Justice Department after local authorities have been contacted. 

Civil Rights Division personnel will be available all day to receive questions and complaints from the public related to possible violations of federal voting rights laws. Reports may be made through the department’s website or by calling toll-free at 800-253-3931.

Individuals with questions or complaints related to the Americans with Disabilities Act may call the department’s toll-free ADA information hotline at 800-514-0301 or 833-610-1264 (TTY) or submit a complaint through a link on the department’s ADA website at