Xi’s Unlimited Rule in China - WhoWhatWhy Xi’s Unlimited Rule in China - WhoWhatWhy

Xi Jinping, president, China
Trends in Supreme Leadership: China's Communist Party is considering removing constitutional term limits for the office of president. This would allow Xi Jinping to serve past two terms and potentially hold office indefinitely. Photo credit: SBTL1 / Flickr

Xi’s Unlimited Rule in China

The Rich Ruled 2017 ; Restoring Voting Rights for the Incarcerated ...and More Picks

The Rich Ruled 2017 ; Restoring Voting Rights for the Incarcerated ...and More Picks 2/27

Over Half of US Gun Owners Do Not Store Their Guns Safely (Milicent)

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Survey: 54 percent of gun owners do not lock up their guns or even use trigger locks — and children under the age of 18 were in 34 percent of their homes. The study’s lead author, Cassandra Crifasi, said “Household gun ownership can increase the risk of homicides, suicides, and unintentional shootings … The survey findings indicate a real public health emergency.”

Richest 2% Made More in 2017 Than the Cost of the Entire Safety Net (Trevin)

And Republicans want to kill the food stamp program, even though just two men — Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg — made more than the total cost of the program.

Is Mueller the Right Guy? (Dan)

Former FBI director Robert Mueller received bipartisan praise after his appointment to special counsel investigating possible Russian meddling in the 2016 election. But it’s worth looking at his record — notably, his bungling of the investigation of the 2001 anthrax attacks.

ACLU Provides Voting Key to the Incarcerated (Reader Steve)

Those behind bars in California, Colorado, Connecticut, and New York are given the right to vote, as long as they meet certain stipulations.

In West Virginia, Historic Statewide Teacher Walkouts to Head Into Fourth Day (Jimmy)

Public school teachers and other personnel are into their fourth day on strike over what they say is insufficient pay and health benefits.

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