US Supreme Court’s ‘Bad Data’ Opinions - WhoWhatWhy US Supreme Court’s ‘Bad Data’ Opinions - WhoWhatWhy

US Supreme Court
Garbage In, Garbage Out: A new study reveals the US Supreme Court sometimes uses bad data to document “legislative” facts in forming opinions on cases. Justices can glean bad data from amicus briefs, the lawyers involved, their own research, and other sources. Photo credit: US Supreme Court / Wikimedia

US Supreme Court’s ‘Bad Data’ Opinions

TX Town Ties Hurricane Aid to Pro-Israel Stance ; Russian Meddling in Brexit Vote? ; US Betrays Kurds Again ...and More Picks

TX Town Ties Hurricane Aid to Pro-Israel Stance ; Russian Meddling in Brexit Vote? ; US Betrays Kurds Again ...and More Picks 10/20

Napa Fire: A Perfectly Normal Apocalypse (Trevin)

Stronger future Santa Ana events have been predicted in California. This year’s fire and hurricane seasons are “consistent with models of a changing climate.”

US Betrays Kurds Again — By Siding with Iran (Dan)

The US allowed Shiite militias aligned with Iran to effectively take over certain parts of Kurdish territory after the Kurds voted in an independence referendum. Almost no one had supported the vote, including the US, Iraq, and Iran, because Kurdish territory spans parts of the latter two’s countries. Some Kurds believe the US is “punishing” them for the vote.

Texas Town Tells Hurricane Harvey Victims: No Aid Unless They Pledge Not to Boycott Israel (Jimmy)

The ACLU writes, “The city of Dickinson, Texas, is requiring applicants for Hurricane Harvey rebuilding funds to certify in writing that they will not take part in a boycott of Israel. The American Civil Liberties Union criticized the city’s condition as a violation of free speech rights.”

California Makes One Year at Community Colleges Free (Jimmy)

The author writes, “Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill Friday that will make one year free for students at the state’s 114 community colleges, so long as they are residents and new students who are enrolled full-time.”

Russian Meddling in ‘Brexit’ Vote? (Dan)

That’s what the Blairite side of Labour, who routinely stand against Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, believe happened in 2016. And they’re using the increasingly infamous George Soros to prove Russia’s involvement.

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