
EPA, phone booth
Transparency: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has ordered a soundproof phone booth for Administrator Scott Pruitt to conduct secure communications. This comes as Pruitt is being criticized for other aggressive security measures. Photo credit: Adapted by WhoWhatWhy from Ricardo Zappala / Flickr (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) and Ken Lund / Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0).

The Ugly Ghost of Tom Price

Saudi Arabia’s Shrinking Economy ; The US Refugee Crisis ...and More Picks

Saudi Arabia’s Shrinking Economy ; The US Refugee Crisis ...and More Picks for 10/4

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Saudi Arabia’s Economy Shrinks Again (Jeff C.)

If two quarters of negative GDP means a recession, then the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is currently in one. The pace is accelerating, and it’s happening despite government efforts to launch the Vision 2030 economic diversification program that is supposed to wean the country off crude.

The Ugly Ghost of Tom Price (Dan)

Tom Price may have been ousted from heading Health and Human Services. But his conservative stamp is likely to remain.

The US Refugee Crisis (Reader Steve)

Puerto Ricans are fleeing their island for the safer shores of Florida in the wake of Hurricane Maria. Estimates put the number at around 100,000. Schools, jobs, and housing will be affected by the exodus. So will the politics of one of the most contentious swing states.

Do Retweets = Endorsements? (Dan)

Nikki Haley recently came under fire for retweeting a Twitter account endorsing a South Carolina congressional candidate. This puts her in violation of the Hatch Act. The Trump administration has been in violation of the act many times before. Worse, no one appears is receiving punishment.


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