Trump Overcomes Legal Challenge to Election Integrity Commission - WhoWhatWhy Trump Overcomes Legal Challenge to Election Integrity Commission - WhoWhatWhy

Donald Trump
Photo credit: U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) / Flickr

Trump Overcomes Legal Challenge to Election Integrity Commission

Extremist Groups and Bitcoin ; Puerto Rico is Still Broken ...and More Picks

Extremist Groups and Bitcoin ; Puerto Rico is Still Broken ...and More Picks 12/28

Nation’s First Known Sikh Mayor Takes the Gavel (Trevin)

The LA Times interviews the new mayor of Yuba City, CA — Preet Didbal — about being Sikh, a woman, and a political independent.

Extremist Groups Profit from Bitcoin (Russ)

Is this a consequence of the decentralized, anonymous “cryptocurrency”?

Saudi Arabia’s New Ruler Is 0-3 in Foreign Policy (Dan)

This is the story of how Saudi Arabia’s new crown prince Mohammed Bin Salman’s foreign policy initiatives have failed — and made the Middle East much more unstable.

Virginia’s Election Drawing Postponed (Reader Steve)

Virginia’s hotly-contested race for the 94th district representative seat was so close it was to be decided by a draw. Now the Democrat challenger has asked to be declared winner, effectively postponing the final result. Read why.

Puerto Rico is ‘Broken’ 100 Days After Hurricane Maria (Jimmy)

Approximately 50 percent of the island is still without power according to San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz.

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