
Women’s March, Shepard Fairey
In the News: Artist Shepard Fairey released a series of posters entitled "We The People" aimed at protesting President Donald Trump. The series features portraits of African Americans, Latinas, Muslims, and Native Americans. Fairey offered his posters for download free of charge on his website, Obey Giant. Many were used as placards during the post inaugural marches. Photo credit: Bonzo McGrue / Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

Trump Continues Drone War ; CIA Disclose Documents and Create Database in Final Obama Days ; Donald Trump Preaches Populism, Practices Goldman Sachs Capitalism …an

Trump Continues Drone War ; CIA Disclose Documents and Create Database in Final Obama Days ; Donald Trump Preaches Populism, Practices Goldman Sachs Capitalism ...and More Picks

Trump Continues Drone War ; CIA Disclose Documents and Create Database in Final Obama Days ; Donald Trump Preaches Populism, Practices Goldman Sachs Capitalism ...and More Picks

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Donald Trump Preaches Angry Nationalism, While Practicing Goldman Sachs Capitalism (Jimmy)

Trump’s nationalist and populist “America First” inauguration speech doesn’t jive with the establishment administration he’s building.

Trump Continues Drone War in Yemen (Dan)

Not that anyone is really surprised. Yet the number reported killed under Trump is already near the released assessment of those killed during the entire Obama administration.

Women’s Marches May Have Been the Largest Demonstration in US History (Reader Pat)

Over 3 million march nationwide in largest demos since at least the Iraq War protests when the world said no to war.

Jared Kushner, Trump’s Son-in-Law, Is Cleared to Serve as Adviser (Jimmy)

According to the NYT, “Hours after President Trump took his oath on Friday, the Justice Department issued an opinion saying that his appointment of his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, as a senior White House adviser would be lawful despite a federal anti-nepotism law.”

CIA Discloses and Creates Database in Final Obama Days (Russ)

This “voluntary” release of around 930,000 documents signals a new direction of “transparency”. A parting gift from the Obama administration for transparency advocates?


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