Trump and Israelis vs. Team Obama - WhoWhatWhy Trump and Israelis vs. Team Obama - WhoWhatWhy

Donald Trump, Benjamin Netanyahu
Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu in 2017. Photo credit: US Embassy Tel Aviv / Wikimedia

Trump and Israelis vs. Team Obama

CIA Torture Tapes May Still Exist ; If John Bolton Could Run Iran ...and More Picks

CIA Torture Tapes May Still Exist ; If John Bolton Could Run Iran ...and More Picks 5/8

Ex-CIA Official Says Some Torture Videotapes May Still Exist (Jimmy)

The author writes, “Some videotapes recording the torture of a CIA detainee may have survived the 2005 destruction facilitated by Donald Trump’s nominee to run the agency. That’s according to an ex-CIA analyst who reviewed massive amounts of internal CIA documentation about torture and said she was told by a colleague that some of the tapes survived.”

If John Bolton Could Run Iran… (Dan)

This is the group he would want in power.

How to Silence RT Forever (Jimmy)

The author writes, “There is a very easy and 100 percent guaranteed way to get RT removed from western airwaves forever. Are you ready? Here it is: Allow leftist and antiwar perspectives to be voiced on western mainstream media. That’s it. That’s the whole entire recipe for RT’s destruction.”

Democrats Fight for Their Midwestern Soul (Dan)

Ohio’s gubernatorial race between Dennis Kucinich, who earned accolades for his anti-Iraq War stance in 2003, and the Elizabeth Warren-endorsed Richard Cordray is a litmus test on two planes. The first is whether these two progressive voices can peel away blue voters who went for Trump in 2016. The second is which message of the party will resonate best in the November midterms and in 2020.

Before Calling Him ‘Cocaine Mitch,’ Blankenship Needed McConnell (Reader Steve)

Don Blankenship’s run to be the Republican candidate for a Senate seat in West Virginia has been notorious for hints of racism and railing against the GOP’s Senate leader Mitch McConnell. The unrest between the two is relatively new, as McConnell saved Blankenship from further regulatory blowback after a mining incident in 2010.