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Why Police Receive Over $100 Billion Annually ; Dolphins Learn Unusual Hunting Behavior From Friends ; and More Picks 6/29

TikTok and 53 Other iOS Apps Still Snoop on Your Sensitive Data

Why Police Receive Over $100 Billion Annually ; Dolphins Learn Unusual Hunting Behavior From Friends ; and More Picks

Why Police Receive Over $100 Billion Annually ; Dolphins Learn Unusual Hunting Behavior From Friends ; and More Picks 6/29

VIDEO: Why the Police Receive Over $100 Billion Annually (Chris C.)

From CNBC: “Despite a sharp decline in crime rates since the early 1990s, the United States is spending more on policing than ever, about $143 billion in 2015 alone.”

Why Life Expectancy in the US Is Lower Than in 35 Countries (Gerry)

The author writes, “Smoking, poor diet, lack of exercise? Yes, but that’s not all. A researcher tells us what really hurts US life expectancy.”

California Anti-Vaccine Groups Already Protesting a Coronavirus Shot (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “They’ve resisted the stay-at-home order, denounced contact tracing as government control and disregarded a statewide mask mandate. At every stage of the pandemic, California’s anti-vaccine activists have foreshadowed what their fight against a future vaccine to prevent COVID-19 could look like. ‘If we can’t win the mandatory mask argument, we won’t win the mandatory COVID-19 vaccination argument,’ Larry Cook, founder of the Los Angeles-based group Stop Mandatory Vaccination, wrote in a June 21 tweet. ‘They are 100% connected.’”

How Big Is the Political Divide Over COVID-19? Even AI Can Sense It (Dana)

The author writes, “Artificial intelligence can tell what political party members of the U.S. Congress belong to based only on the text and date of their messages on Twitter. The algorithm developed by researchers at The Ohio State University was able to correctly identify a member’s political affiliation 76% of the time, according to the study published Wednesday in the journal Science Advances.”

With the Novel Coronavirus, Suddenly at 60 We’re Now ‘Old’ (Russ)

The author writes, “More than 20 million Americans ages 60 to 65 got a rude surprise this year. Many of us, BC — before the novel coronavirus — had counted on a little more time before we had to see ourselves as ‘old.’ Yet in recent weeks, we’ve been shoved toward senescence as supermarkets have scheduled ‘senior hours’ for those 60 and older, and major media have reported experts’ warnings that the elderly, starting at age 60, are extra vulnerable. Suddenly 60 is the new 65.”

Dolphins Learn Unusual Hunting Behavior From Their Friends (Mili) 

From Science: “In the crystal clear waters of Shark Bay in Western Australia, scientists have noticed bottlenose dolphins engaging in an unusual behavior: They guide fish into the empty shells of giant snails, bring the shells to the surface, and then shake them vigorously to dislodge the prey into their open mouths — like a person polishing off a bag of popcorn.”


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