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FBI Shares Dirt on Trump Org ; 'Bd' Fungus Threatens Amphibians ; and More Picks 3/29

The Fed Takes On Climate Change

FBI Shares Dirt on Trump Org ; 'Bd' Fungus Threatens Amphibians ; and More Picks

FBI Shares Dirt on Trump Org ; 'Bd' Fungus Threatens Amphibians ; and More Picks 3/29

FBI Tweets Out Its Trump Organization File, Leading to Online Free-for-All (DonkeyHotey)

The author writes, “The revelations range from a purported lottery scam undertaken by Trump Organization staffers to the discovery of a hidden camera in the apartment of Trump’s second wife, Marla Maples.”

Lawmakers to Unveil Bill to Make Puerto Rico 51st State (Reader Steve)

From the Baltimore Sun: “The legislation, set to be introduced by Rep. Darren Soto, D-Fla., with the support of Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló, comes as several Democratic presidential candidates have embraced calls to grant statehood to the island, which has been mired in economic stagnation as it struggles to recover from Hurricane Maria in September 2017.”

Federal Judge Again Blocks States’ Work Requirements for Medicaid (Reader Pat)

The author writes, “For a second time in nine months, the same federal judge has struck down the Trump administration’s plan to force some Medicaid recipients to work to maintain benefits.”

A Disease Like No Other (Chris)

The author writes, “[Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis] has caused the decline of 501 amphibian species — about 6.5 percent of the known total. Of these, 90 have been wiped out entirely. Another 124 have fallen by more than 90 percent, and their odds of recovery are slim. Never in recorded history has a single disease burned down so much of the tree of life.”

Garfield Beach Phone Mystery Solved After 30 Years (Chris)

The author writes, “For more than 30 years bright orange ‘Garfield’ phones have been washing up on the French coast to the bemusement of local beach cleaners, who have finally cracked the mystery behind them.”


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