
Did North Dakota Regulators Hide a Massive Gas Leak? ; Extreme Heat Is Changing Sports ; and More Picks 8/20

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Did North Dakota Regulators Hide a Massive Gas Leak? ; Extreme Heat Is Changing Sports ; and More Picks

Did North Dakota Regulators Hide a Massive Gas Leak? ; Extreme Heat Is Changing Sports ; and More Picks 8/20

Inside the Prison Where Inmates Set Each Other on Fire (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “At South Mississippi Correctional Institution, inmates have been on perpetual lockdown for seven months and gangs enforce rules. With frequent beatings, burnings and escapes, the prison has become a violent tinderbox.”

The Supreme Court Will Decide Whether You Can Be Fired for Not Being Girly Enough (Gerry)

The author writes, “Aimee Stephens was fired because her employer felt trans women weren’t feminine enough. If she loses her Supreme Court case, all women could have their rights rolled way back.”

Did North Dakota Regulators Hide a Massive Gas Leak? (DonkeyHotey)

From DeSmog: “In July 2015 workers at the Garden Creek I Gas Processing Plant, in Watford City, North Dakota, noticed a leak in a pipeline and reported a spill to the North Dakota Department of Health that remains officially listed as 10 gallons, the size of two bottled water delivery jugs. But a whistle-blower has revealed to DeSmog the incident is actually on par with the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska, which released roughly 11 million gallons of thick crude. The Garden Creek spill ‘is in fact over 11 million gallons of condensate that leaked through a crack in a pipeline for over 3 years,’ says the whistle-blower … They provided to DeSmog a document that details remediation efforts and verifies the spill’s monstrous size.”

FEC Chair Challenges Trump to Provide Evidence of Voter Fraud in New Hampshire (Mili)

The author writes, “In a letter to Trump, Ellen Weintraub said the country’s democracy depends on ‘the American people’s faith in our elections. Your voter-fraud allegations run the risk of undermining that faith.’ Weintraub’s missive came a day after Trump complained to reporters — and to his supporters at a rally in Manchester, New Hampshire — that he had narrowly lost the Granite State because of fraudulent voting, a claim for which there is no evidence.”

Extreme Heat Is Changing Sports (Russ)

From the Washington Post: “Scorching conditions are increasingly common at sporting events, creating risks and challenges for athletes.”


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