Sessions Fills Offices with Appointees - WhoWhatWhy Sessions Fills Offices with Appointees - WhoWhatWhy

Jeff Sessions
Photo credit: Federal Bureau of Investigation / Flickr

Sessions Fills Offices with Appointees

GOP’s Net Neutrality Bill ; The Big Lie About the GOP Tax Bill ...and More Picks

GOP’s Net Neutrality Bill ; The Big Lie About the GOP Tax Bill ...and More Picks 12/20

Proposed GOP Net Neutrality Bill (Jimmy)

Jon Brodkin writes, “A Republican lawmaker is proposing a net neutrality law that would ban blocking and throttling, but the bill would allow ISPs to create paid fast lanes and prohibit state governments from enacting their own net neutrality laws. The bill would also prohibit the FCC from imposing any type of common carrier regulations on broadband providers.”

When One Vote Matters (Reader Steve)

We often hear that one vote changes nothing in the course of an election. Well, Republicans lost control of Virginia’s legislature and now must share power with the Democrats — thanks to one vote.

Catalonia Votes Again — And This Time It’s More Uncertain (Dan)

In October, Catalan separatists voted to secede from Spanish government control. Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy quickly halted secession, put out arrest warrants for separatist leaders, and took control of the region. Now Catalonia is prepared to elect new rulers, which could complicate an already complicated situation.

Why Does a GOP Senator Keep Ruining Trump’s Judicial Nominees? (Russ)

Well, there is more than one theory.

The Big Lie About the Tax Bill (Jimmy)

Dave Lindorff writes, “There is a Big Lie underlying the $1.5-trillion Trump/Republican Congressional tax bill. That lie — the kind that is so brazen its purveyors hope it will simply be accepted as truth — is that when corporations get their big tax break, they will pass much of it on to workers in the form of higher wages, and perhaps to consumers in the form of lower prices.”

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