Pompeo Justifies Sending Egypt Money in Memo Detailing Human Rights Abuses - WhoWhatWhy Pompeo Justifies Sending Egypt Money in Memo Detailing Human Rights Abuses - WhoWhatWhy

President Sisi
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is releasing $195 million of military aid to Egypt that was previously held back by the Trump administration because of human rights violations under President el-Sisi. In a recent memo, Pompeo acknowledges that human rights have not only not improved, but have in fact deteriorated. Photo credit: President of Russia (CC BY 3.0)

Pompeo Justifies Sending Egypt Money in Memo Detailing Human Rights Abuses

World Is Failing to Meet Climate Change Target ; What Kavanaugh Really Learned in High School ...and More Picks

World Is Failing to Meet Climate Change Target ; What Kavanaugh Really Learned in High School ...and More Picks 9/28

Senator Merkley Is Suing to Halt the Lawless Kavanaugh Confirmation Process (Reader Steve)

From the Nation: “Citing Trump administration secrecy, he asks a federal judge to issue an injunction to prevent this mangled process from continuing.”

World ‘Nowhere Near on Track’ to Avoid Warming Beyond 1.5C Target (Reader Luke)

From the Guardian: “Author of key UN climate report says limiting temperature rise would require enormous, immediate transformation in human activity.”

What Brett Kavanaugh Really Learned in High School: Make the Rules, Break the Rules, and Prosper (Jimmy)

The author writes, “Kavanaugh has failed the test of wisdom not by what he is accused of doing when he was 17 and drunk but by his adult neglect of reflection and his indifference to suffering, something this moment puts in a sharper light. He does not deserve to be on any court, much less the Supreme Court.”

Man Files Claim for $750,000, Says ICE Assaulted Him in Detention (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “His claim detailed a months-long campaign by ICE agents to coerce him into being an informant. He said the effort included violence, and ended only after he was held down and forced to put his fingerprint on papers that would remove him from the country.”


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