New Study Finds Americans Pay Double for Health Care - WhoWhatWhy New Study Finds Americans Pay Double for Health Care - WhoWhatWhy

Gina Haspel Ran Black Site at Guantanamo? ; Howard Buffett's Border War ...and More Picks 1/11

New Study Finds Americans Pay Double for Health Care

Gina Haspel Ran Black Site at Guantanamo? ; Howard Buffett's Border War ...and More Picks

Gina Haspel Ran Black Site at Guantanamo? ; Howard Buffett's Border War ...and More Picks 1/11

Another Employee of China’s Huawei Is Arrested (Dan)

Polish authorities have arrested another employee of Huawei, a Chinese technology company that Western intelligence officials believe manufactures products containing embedded spyware. The arrest follows the apprehension last month of Meng Wanzhou, the company’s chief financial officer, in Canada at the request of the US officials.

Lawyer Says CIA Director Ran a Black Site at Guantanamo (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “An attorney for the accused architect of the Sept. 11 attacks told a judge in a secret session last year that CIA Director Gina Haspel ran a secret agency outpost at Guantanamo, an apparent reference to a post-9/11 black site, according to a recently declassified transcript.”

Howard Buffett’s Border War: A Billionaire’s Son Is Spending Millions in Cochise County (Reader Jim)

The author writes, “Over the past several years, 64-year-old Howard Buffett — using wealth supplied by his father ­— has been waging his own border war in Cochise County. This has included the arming of a private volunteer group, importing privately employed enforcement personnel, and funding the chemical defoliation of a substantial portion of the county’s border with Mexico.”

Steve King Under Fire After Embrace of White Supremacy (Jimmy)

The author writes, “Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) faces a potential censure motion from congressional Democrats and splintering support among Republicans after using racist language in a New York Times interview, questioning when the terms ‘white nationalist, white supremacist and western civilization’ became ‘offensive.’”

Myanmar Court Rejects Appeal by Jailed Reuters Reporters (Reader Luke)

The author writes, “A Myanmar court on Friday rejected the appeal of two Reuters reporters sentenced to seven years in jail on charges of breaking the Official Secrets Act, saying the defense had not provided sufficient evidence to show they were innocent.”

‘Traditional Masculinity’ Officially Labeled ‘Harmful’ by the American Psychological Association (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “The American Psychological Association has issued its first official warning against toxic masculinity.”

Exasperated Democrats Try to Rein in Ocasio-Cortez (Jimmy)

The author writes, “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is already making enemies in the House Democratic Caucus — and some of its members are mounting an operation to bring the anti-establishment, democratic socialist with 2.2 million Twitter followers into the fold.”


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