
On this Day: Tomorrow is the five year anniversary of the beginning of the Occupy Wall Street protests. Today is the 96th anniversary of the Wall Street bombing. A horse wagon equipped with an improvised explosive device was exploded in front of the J.P. Morgan building. The act of domestic terrorism killed thirty-eight people and injured several hundred. No one was ever charged with the crime. About this photo: Soldiers and police establishing line at door of the Morgan Bank while bodies of the victims are lying in front of the Sub Treasury. Photo credit: Library of Congress / Wikipedia

New 9/11 Investigation?/Sandra Bland/And More

Pop-up Newspapers? ; 2011 FBI Reports Blames US Footprint for Terror ; NY Attorney to Probe Trump Foundation ...and More Picks

Pop-up Newspapers? ; 2011 FBI Reports Blames US Footprint for Terror ; NY Attorney to Probe Trump Foundation ...and More Picks

PICKS are stories from many sources, selected by our editors or recommended by our readers because they are important, surprising, troubling, enlightening, inspiring, or amusing. They appear on our site and in our daily newsletter. Please send suggested articles, videos, podcasts, etc. to

Can Old-Fashioned Print Newspapers Make it as “Pop-ups?” (Russ)

An interesting experiment in the UK after the Brexit vote found desire for conversation that is maybe better fostered by those with an actual newspaper visibly in hand.

2011 FBI Report: ‘Broadening US Military Presence’ Responsible for Rise in Terror Attacks (James)

The role of American foreign policy is largely unaddressed in Obama administration’s counterterrorism programs.

Obama Delays Saudi-9/11 Veto to Target Senators (Dan)

The administration believes there is a lot of time between now and next Friday — when an answer is required — to convince senators against passing the bill.

Alarm Bells Ringing for Corporate Pensions (Jeff C.)

Longer-term bond yields have dropped to record lows, and that means pensions are facing swelling deficits as their investment income fails to keep up with their obligations.

$1.9M Settlement Reached in Sandra Bland Wrongful Death Lawsuit (Trevin)

Included are significant improvements to how prisoners are cared for, such as on-call nurses and “electronic cell checks.” Any future Waller County legislation will be named in Bland’s memory.

Get Teens to Cooperate: Make Others the Bad Guys (Russ)

A study shows rebellious teens will eat their greens if they’re encouraged to direct their animus at big corporations pushing unhealthy lifestyles and products on us. (Hey — you can also tell them you hate WhoWhatWhy so they read it!)

NY Attorney General to Probe Trump Foundation (Jeff C.)

“My interest in this issue really is in my capacity as regulator of nonprofits in New York state,” elected Democratic official Eric Schneiderman said. “And we have been concerned that the Trump Foundation may have engaged in some impropriety from that point of view.”


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