Jerusalem Embassy Cost Savings: Too Good to Be True - WhoWhatWhy Jerusalem Embassy Cost Savings: Too Good to Be True - WhoWhatWhy

Jerusalem Embassy Cost
President Donald J. Trump boasted he could build a new embassy in Jerusalem for just $250,000 and that he refused to sign an order "they" gave him to build the embassy for $1 billion. There was never any proof given for the $1 billion cost. A temporary embassy will open in Jerusalem following an estimated $400,000 remodel of the US consulate. The consulate will then receive a more complete upgrade costing $21 million. Then a totally new embassy will be planned and built for a yet undetermined cost. Photo credit: US Embassy Jerusalem / Wikimedia

Jerusalem Embassy Cost Savings: Too Good to Be True

Detaining Immigrants Is Profitable ; The EU Comes to Washington ...and More Picks

Detaining Immigrants Is Profitable ; The EU Comes to Washington ...and More Picks 7/25

Detaining Immigrant Kids Is Now a Billion-Dollar Industry (Jimmy)

The author writes, “Detaining immigrant children has morphed into a surging industry in the US that now reaps $1 billion annually — a tenfold increase over the past decade, an Associated Press analysis finds.”

House Progressives Introduce ‘People’s Budget’ (Reader Luke)

The author writes, “Offering an ambitious alternative to the House GOP’s ‘morally bankrupt’ 2019 budget proposal — which demands over $5 trillion in cuts to Social Security, Medicaid, and other life-saving programs — the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) on Tuesday unveiled a budget that calls for massive investments in infrastructure, healthcare, and education while proposing significant cuts to the completely ‘out-of-control’ Pentagon budget.”

The EU Comes to Washington (Dan)

President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker will meet with President Donald Trump in Washington today. They’ll be discussing ways to stop the “downward spiral” of tariffs implemented by both economic blocs.

What Makes a Nation? (Russ)

Meet Somaliland, where there is a flag, parliament, currency, but not a country.

Expect More Intense Mudslinging in 2020 (Reader Steve)

America Rising PAC, the opposition-research group that specialized in attacking Hillary Clinton in 2016, is already working on potential 2020 Democratic candidates for president.