
Most Californians Support Teachers' Strikes ; Our Grim Planetary Health Report Card ; and More Picks 4/26

‘If We Don’t Have Privacy Online, We Don’t Have Privacy At All’: Public Hearing On Internet Privacy Bill

Most Californians Support Teachers' Strikes ; Our Grim Planetary Health Report Card ; and More Picks

Most Californians Support Teachers' Strikes ; Our Grim Planetary Health Report Card ; and More Picks 4/26

At UN Security Council Vote, US Shuns Survivors of Sexual Violence (Mili)

The author writes, “The United Nations Security Council has established a long and fairly distinguished history of addressing the harms caused by sexual violence in war … But the United States, it now appears, has abandoned any meaningful commitment to victims and survivors of conflict-related sexual violence, sacrificed on the altar of appeasement to the current administration’s fervent support from domestic anti-abortion constituencies.”

Most Californians Support Teachers’ Strikes (Reader Steve)

From the Sacramento Bee: “Teachers who have gone on strike in Sacramento, Los Angeles and Oakland demanding higher pay have the backing of most California adults, according to a Public Policy Institute of California poll released Wednesday. Sixty-one percent of Californians say they support public school teachers striking for pay increases, according to the nonpartisan think tank’s survey.”

Our Planetary Health Report Card Looks Really Grim (Chris)

From MIT Technology Review: “If we are going to cope with a changing climate and exploding global population, nearly everything about life needs to shift — including how people grow and eat food. That’s the conclusion of the EAT-Lancet Commission, a group of scientists recommending a new approach for ‘planetary health.’”

Navy SEALs Were Warned Against Reporting Their Chief for War Crimes (Chris)

The author writes, “Stabbing a defenseless teenage captive to death. Picking off a school-age girl and an old man from a sniper’s roost. Indiscriminately spraying neighborhoods with rockets and machine-gun fire. Navy SEAL commandos from Team 7’s Alpha Platoon said they had seen their highly decorated platoon chief commit shocking acts in Iraq. And they had spoken up, repeatedly. But their frustration grew as months passed and they saw no sign of official action.”

How Angry Pilots Got the Navy to Stop Dismissing UFO Sightings (Russ)

The author writes, “A recent uptick in sightings of unidentified flying objects — or as the military calls them, ‘unexplained aerial phenomena’ — prompted the Navy to draft formal procedures for pilots to document encounters, a corrective measure that former officials say is long overdue.”


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