
Supreme Court Rules Against Excessive Fines ; Blockchains Are Now Getting Hacked ; and More Picks 2/20

House Investigates ‘White House Plan’ to Share Nuclear Technology with Saudis

Supreme Court Rules Against Excessive Fines ; Blockchains Are Now Getting Hacked ; and More Picks

Supreme Court Rules Against Excessive Fines ; Blockchains Are Now Getting Hacked ; and More Picks 2/20

Supreme Court Rules Against Excessive State/Local Fines, Including Civil Forfeitures (DonkeyHotey)

The author writes: “The Supreme Court ruled unanimously Wednesday that the Constitution’s prohibition on excessive fines applies to state and local governments, limiting their abilities to impose fines and seize property.”

Tomi Lahren Is Trump’s Rightful Heir (Russ)

The author writes, “Tomi Lahren has it all: the bleached blond hair, the smoking bod, the obsession with dressing up in stupidly provocative outfits; the unquenchable rage that she has no trouble expressing endlessly on the usual social media platforms.”

Option to Pay Ohio Taxes in Bitcoin Attracting Few Takers So Far (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “the treasurer’s office has received only two tax payments through, the state’s bitcoin payment platform.”

Once Hailed as Unhackable, Blockchains Are Now Getting Hacked (Chris)

The author writes,More and more security holes are appearing in cryptocurrency and smart contract platforms, and some are fundamental to the way they were built.”

Blood of the Young Won’t Spare Rich Old People From Sadness and Death (Chris)

From Ars Technica: “The US Food and Drug Administration issued an alert Tuesday, February 19, warning older consumers against seeking infusions of blood plasma harvested from younger people. Despite being peddled as anti-aging treatments and cures for a range of conditions, the transfusions are unproven and potentially harmful.”


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