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Tracking What Happens to Police After They Use Force on Protesters ; How Dinosaurs Raised Their Young ; and More Picks 7/29

Google’s Web App Plans Collide With Apple’s iPhone, Safari Rules

Tracking What Happens to Police After They Use Force on Protesters ; How Dinosaurs Raised Their Young ; and More Picks

Tracking What Happens to Police After They Use Force on Protesters ; How Dinosaurs Raised Their Young ; and More Picks 7/29

Tracking What Happens to Police After They Use Force on Protesters (Mili)

From ProPublica: “As protests erupted around the country in late May in response to the killing in police custody of George Floyd, police departments seemed to respond with more violence. In the ensuing weeks, hundreds of videos of police interactions with protesters surfaced on Twitter and other social media sites, often drawing outrage and, in some cases, swift disciplinary and legal action. ProPublica wanted to find out what happens after these moments are caught on tape.”

Hundreds of Cases Involving LAPD Officers Accused of Corruption Now Under Review (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “Prosecutors are already analyzing pending cases to determine if they can move forward on the strength of evidence other than the charged officers’ testimony, but past cases and convictions — including those based on plea deals — could also be revisited, Los Angeles County Dist. Atty. Jackie Lacey said. Her office is sending letters to more than 750 defendants whose cases listed one or more of the charged officers as potential witnesses, urging them or their attorneys to contact her office if they feel the officers’ involvement was prejudicial or merits further review.”

To Appeal an Eviction in SC, Tenants Are Required to Pay Thousands of Dollars First (Dana)

From the Post and Courier: “When tenants appeal evictions handed down by the Palmetto State’s magistrates, those same judges regularly demand that they come up with thousands of dollars in a matter of days. If they don’t, their cases can be thrown out. That has happened to more than 120 tenants since the start of 2019, according to a Post and Courier analysis of court records across the state. It’s a process that blocks renters around the state from having their evictions reconsidered, a barrier to their efforts to seek justice.”

Almost 3 Billion Animals Affected by Bushfires (Chris C.)

The authors write, “An estimated 143 million mammals, 180 million birds, 51 million frogs and a staggering 2.5 billion reptiles were affected by the fires that burned across the continent. Not all the animals would have been killed by the flames or heat, but scientists say the prospects of survival for those that had withstood the initial impact was ‘probably not that great’ due to the starvation, dehydration and predation by feral animals – mostly cats – that followed.”

How Dinosaurs Raised Their Young (Dana)

From Smithsonian Magazine: “Up until now, paleontologists thought that all dinosaurs laid hard-shelled eggs. A recent study by University of Calgary paleontologist Darla Zelenitsky and colleagues found that some dinosaurs … laid soft-shelled eggs similar to the leathery eggs of some modern reptiles. … This research could help to explain why dinosaur eggs are harder to find than many paleontologists would expect because softer eggs would be less likely to fossilize. And working out which dinosaurs laid which types of eggs is important for answering big questions about dinosaur parental care. That’s because no typical dinosaur nest exists. Some species laid lots of round, hard eggs in a pile. Others laid eggs two-by-two and arranged them carefully. Some eggs are spheres. Some are cone-shaped. And as is the case with modern birds, different egg types relate to the ways adult dinosaurs behaved.”


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