Gaming California’s Electoral System - WhoWhatWhy Gaming California’s Electoral System - WhoWhatWhy

Dana Rohrabacher
Unintended Consequences? California voters approved a top-two primary system in a 2010 referendum. The system was promoted to help elect moderates in both parties. Now the system is being gamed in congressional districts like incumbent Dana Rohrabacher's 48th. Photo credit: Gage Skidmore / Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Gaming California’s Electoral System

Green Berets Helping Saudis in Yemen ; Super PAC Scam Game ...and More Picks

Green Berets Helping Saudis in Yemen ; Super PAC Scam Game ...and More Picks 5/4

The Green Berets Are Secretly Helping Saudis Fight Yemen Rebels (Jimmy)

The author writes, “About a dozen Green Berets came to Saudi Arabia’s shared border in December to help the kingdom’s troops fight Yemeni rebels who ‘pose no direct threat to the United States,’ the New York Times reports.”

The Super PAC Scam Game (Dan)

Government watchdogs have admitted they can’t do much about a new breed of “scam PACs” — with names like Cops and Kids Together and National Assistance Committee — that have raised millions recently.

Trump Orders Pentagon to Consider Reducing US Forces in South Korea (Jimmy)

The author writes, “President Trump has ordered the Pentagon to prepare options for drawing down American troops in South Korea, just weeks before he holds a landmark meeting with North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, according to several people briefed on the deliberations.”

Amazon Pauses Huge Development Plans in Seattle Over Tax Plan (Reader Luke)

The author writes, “Amazon abruptly escalated a fight with its hometown on Wednesday, halting major expansion plans in Seattle because of a tax being considered by the City Council. The new tax would charge large employers in the city about $500 per employee, with the money going to help alleviate a housing crisis. The tax is squarely aimed at Amazon, which is Seattle’s largest employer and frequently blamed by many residents for the city’s soaring housing costs.”

Weaponizing Trump’s Vanity (Reader Steve)

How to get President Trump’s support? According to this article, you only have to do one thing: play to his ego.

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