Foreign Governments Finding Ways to Help Trump's Business - WhoWhatWhy Foreign Governments Finding Ways to Help Trump's Business - WhoWhatWhy

Trump Trump Ocean Club International Hotel and Tower, Panama City
Towers of Baksheesh: Trump properties around the world are benefiting from actions of governments at all levels. Photo credit: Maria Mertens / Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Foreign Governments Finding Ways to Help Trump’s Business

Ivanka Wants to Be President ; Understanding the Iran Protests ...and More Picks

Ivanka Wants to Be President ; Understanding the Iran Protests ...and More Picks 1/4

Green Movement Sits Out Iran Protests (Dan)

Iran’s “Green Movement,” which came out en masse to protest after the election of hardliner president Ahmadinejad in 2009, has not been swayed by the country’s recent protests. These “urban intellectuals,” mostly from Tehran, see a lack of ideological purpose compared to the previous movement. Read why.

James Risen on His Battles With Bush, Obama, and the New York Times (Jimmy)

The Intercept’s Jeremy Scahill talks with veteran journalist James Risen on his fights with the paper of record over reporting in the post-911 era. You can also read Risen’s latest article here.

Ivanka Wants to Be President (Dan)

Michael Wolff’s new book, The Fire and The Fury, details many strange and uncomfortable things about the early months in the Trump White House. One of them is that Ivanka and husband Jared Kushner have political ambitions. Huge political ambitions.

Homeland Security Watchdog Finds Government Abuse at Detention Centers (Jimmy)

The author writes, “A series of surprise inspections found immigrant detainees were subject to unnecessary strip searches, waited days for urgent medical care, and were placed in solitary confinement for minor infractions, among other issues, according to a report released yesterday by the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Inspector General (OIG).”

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