EU Fails to Set Tougher Climate Targets Before December UN Conference - WhoWhatWhy EU Fails to Set Tougher Climate Targets Before December UN Conference - WhoWhatWhy

SCOTUS Overturns Michigan Gerrymandering Ruling ; The $1,600 Burger ; and More Picks 10/21

EU Fails to Set Tougher Climate Targets Before December UN Conference

SCOTUS Overturns Michigan Gerrymandering Ruling ; The $1,600 Burger ; and More Picks

SCOTUS Overturns Michigan Gerrymandering Ruling ; The $1,600 Burger ; and More Picks 10/21

US Supreme Court Overturns Ruling in Michigan Gerrymandering Case (DonkeyHotey)

From the Detroit Free Press: “Because of the decision, Michigan’s political lines will remain in place at least until 2022, when a bipartisan commission created by a statewide referendum last year is expected to take over the process of drawing those boundaries.”

Middle School Students Started a Movement That Has Paralyzed Chile’s Capital (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “The Chilean government declared a curfew Saturday in the capital after protests against public transport fare hikes led to looting and arson attacks that paralyzed this city of 7 million. The decision to call a curfew was regarded as unprecedented during times of democratic governance in the South American nation.”

Puerto Rico at Risk of a $30B Cut in US Aid, Board Says (Chris)

From Bloomberg: “Puerto Rico may receive less federal disaster money than expected, a potential drag on an island that was counting on post-Hurricane rebuilding to help it recover from a years-long recession.”

Trees That Survived California Drought May Hold Clue to Climate Resilience (Mili)

The author writes, “Individual members of any species can vary dramatically, something tied to genetic differences. That diversity comes in handy when environmental conditions change.”

Would You Pay $1,600 for This Burger? (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “The wagyu burger, topped with foie gras and black truffles, comes on a 24-karat gold flecked bun that is infused with caviar.”


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