
Scientists Fertilize Eggs From the Last Two Northern White Rhinos; Why Is the Teen Birth Rate Falling? ; and More Picks 8/29

El Paso Shooting Defendant’s Claims Raise Questions About Gun Imports

Scientists Fertilize Eggs From the Last Two Northern White Rhinos; Why Is the Teen Birth Rate Falling? ; and More Picks

Scientists Fertilize Eggs From the Last Two Northern White Rhinos; Why Is the Teen Birth Rate Falling? ; and More Picks 8/29

Scientists Fertilize Eggs From the Last Two Northern White Rhinos (Russ)

The author writes, “A mother and daughter are the only two northern white rhinoceroses left in the world. Their eggs were fertilized using sperm from males who have died.”

Why Is the Teen Birth Rate Falling? (Chris)

The authors write, “Among those teens who have had sex, the majority (81% of females and 84% of males) used a contraceptive method the first time they had sex.”

Church Spent $10.6M to Fight Laws That Would Benefit Victims of Child Sex Abuse (Mili)

From CBS News: “The funneling of such a large chunk of money to the … Catholic Conference Policy Group, with the intention of combating reform that would benefit sexual abuse victims, seems directly counter to recent statements the Church has made publicly, vowing to take accountability.”

Doorbell-Camera Firm Ring Has Partnered With 400 Police Forces (Gerry)

The author writes, “The partnerships let police request the video recorded by homeowners’ cameras within a specific time and area, helping officers see footage from the company’s millions of Internet-connected cameras installed nationwide, the company said.”

DNA Mutation Lets Some People Live Healthily on Only 4 Hours’ Sleep (Gerry)

From New Scientist: “Ying-Hui Fu at the University of California, San Francisco and her colleagues analysed the genes of 12 members of a family that sleeps as little as 4.5 hours per night without feeling tired. They found they had a mutation in a gene called ADRB1.”


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