Editors’ Picks for Oct 9 - WhoWhatWhy Editors’ Picks for Oct 9 - WhoWhatWhy

A reward offer totalling $2.5 million was offered by the FBI, US Postal Service and ADVO, Inc. in 2001. Three weeks after the first mailing of letters containing anthrax, two more letters were mailed from Trenton, NJ, postmarked October 9, 2001. These letters were addressed to Senator Tom Daschle of South Dakota and Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont. Photo Credit: FBI / Wikimedia

Editors’ Picks for Oct 9

When DNA Testing Is Misinterpreted, NYT Subtle Ways of Backing TPP, 14 Countries Where Journalists Have Been Murdered Without Perpetrator Being Convicted, and More Picks.

When DNA testing is misinterpreted, NYT subtle ways of backing TPP, 14 countries where journalists have been murdered without perpetrator being convicted, and more Picks.

We’re pleased to introduce PICKS — stories selected by our editors because they are important, surprising, troubling, enlightening, inspiring, or amusing. They will appear on our site and in our daily newsletter. And we invite you to recommend articles, videos, podcasts, etc. Please send them to picks@whowhatwhy.org.

When Statistics Lie, Innocents Suffer (Gerry)

DNA testing is the “gold standard” of forensic science. Except when it’s misinterpreted.

NY Times Subtle Ways of Backing TPP Agreement Through Coverage (Russ)

Among other things, suggests people shouldn’t even have basis to criticize agreement, apparently, because it is still “secret.” (Not really, thanks to leaks) Also, paper finds lots of reasons different people’s criticism is “parochial” or somehow self-serving. Textbook case of establishment media subtly shaping opinion.

The 14 Countries Where at Least Five Journalists Have Been Murdered Without a Single Perpetrator Being Convicted (Trevin)

Committee to Protect Journalists has compiled their annual Global Impunity Index which “spotlights countries where journalists are slain and the killers go free.”

Half of US Blacks Know Somebody Killed With a Gun (Klaus)

At least 47 percent of blacks in the United States personally know somebody who was killed by another person with a gun. That includes 19 percent who said they had a family member who died in that way. The actual overall percentage is likely higher because another 16 percent said they were unsure or preferred not to answer the question. Among whites, “only” 18 percent said they knew somebody who was killed by another person using a gun.

Ben Carson Suggests Holocaust Would Have Been Less Likely if Jews Were Armed (Trevin)

“I think the likelihood of Hitler being able to accomplish his goals would have been greatly diminished if the people had been armed,” Carson said.

What other tragedies does Dr. Ben think could have been prevented by citizens with guns? The JFK assassination? Hiroshima and Nagasaki? How about the Crucifixion?

Declassified US Docs Reveal Pinochet Ordered Killing in US (Trevin)

“Newly declassified US intelligence documents that came to light Thursday reveal that Gen. Augusto Pinochet directly ordered the 1976 assassination of a Chilean diplomat in Washington.”

“Orlando Letelier, a former defense and foreign minister, was killed by a car bomb along with American Ronni Moffitt.”

Note the AP’s omission of both US support for Pinochet, and the CIA’s involvement in the coup that put him in power.

Anti-Vaccine Group Funds Study, Probably Wishes It Hadn’t (Klaus)

An anti-vaccination group may want to ask for its money back after a study it funded pretty much showed the opposite of what the anti-vaccination movement believes.


It’s Time for Ben Jitsu (Kristina)

Speaking of Ben Carson, here’s a class for everyone who wants to survive the presidential election.


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