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Trump’s Private Spy Force? ; GOP’s Big Mistake in Their Tax Bill ; Trump Shrinks Utah Monuments ...and More Picks

Trump’s Private Spy Force? ; GOP’s Big Mistake in Their Tax Bill ; Trump Shrinks Utah Monuments ...and More Picks 12/6

MSNBC Fires Sam Seder for Old Tweet Mocking Polanski Supporters (DH)

Responding to communications from alt-right writer Mike Cernovich, MSNBC fired contributor Sam Seder over a satirical 2009 tweet calling out supporters of director Roman Polanski. Seder hosts the Majority Report, a progressive podcast.

Trump Considering Private Spy Force? (Russ)

“Is this the only way to get rid of Deep State spies?” Yes, this is the debate being held in the White House.

Remembering Yemen’s Strongman Ali Abdullah Saleh (Dan)

Saleh was one of the last leaders to experience the Arab Spring, an uprising that removed traditional power structures in the Middle East and North Africa. After finally giving up power (to his vice president), Saleh unexpectedly aligned with the anti-government Houthis rebels in Yemen’s north, effectively turning against all the promises he had just made to the new government. And then things got crazy.

Senate Republicans Made a $289 Billion Mistake in their Handwritten Tax Bill (Trevin)

According to a group of lawyers from Davis Polk, an international law firm, “Republicans had essentially undermined their bill’s most important changes to the international tax code.”

Rep. Keith Ellison: GOP Tax Bill Would Reorder Society and Create ‘Hereditary Aristocracy’ for the Rich (Jimmy)

Amy Goodman from Democracy Now interviews Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MI) on the recently passed GOP-led Senate tax bill.

Trump Shrinks Two National Monuments (Jimmy)

The author writes, “On Monday afternoon, President Trump signed two presidential proclamations that will reduce the boundaries of Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante, two national monuments located in Utah. Never before has a president reduced a national-monument designation made by a predecessor by such large margins.”


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