Climate Change Could End Mortgages as We Know Them - WhoWhatWhy Climate Change Could End Mortgages as We Know Them - WhoWhatWhy

The Last Arctic Ice Refuge Is Disappearing ; WA Offers New College Grant Program ; and More Picks 11/14

Climate Change Could End Mortgages as We Know Them

The Last Arctic Ice Refuge Is Disappearing ; WA Offers New College Grant Program ; and More Picks

The Last Arctic Ice Refuge Is Disappearing ; WA Offers New College Grant Program ; and More Picks 11/14

The Climate Crisis Is a Public Health Emergency, New Report Warns (Chris)

The author writes, “Climate change is already wreaking havoc on public health around the globe and the impacts will continue to mount as the crisis fuels prolonged heatwaves, extreme weather events and infectious disease, according to a new report published Wednesday by top medical journal the Lancet.”

The Last Arctic Ice Refuge Is Disappearing (Chris)

From “A new study in the American Geophysical Union’s journal Geophysical Research Letters finds ice in the Arctic Ocean north of Greenland is more mobile than previously thought, as ocean currents and atmospheric winds are likely transporting the old, thick ice found there to other parts of the Arctic. As a result, ice mass in the area — the last place researchers think will lose its year-round ice cover — is declining twice as fast as ice in the rest of the Arctic, according to the new findings.”

How the World’s Most Widely Used Insecticide Led to a Fishery Collapse (Mili) 

The author writes, “Neonicotinoids wiped out plankton and fish in a Japanese lake, and are likely harming aquatic ecosystems worldwide, new research suggests.”

Washington State Opens Wider the Door to Higher Ed With New Grant Program (Reader Steve)

From the Seattle Times: “Every Washington student from a family earning less than median income, currently $92,000 for a family of four, is guaranteed to receive free or reduced tuition at public or private colleges. That’s provided by the new Washington College Grant program, an expanded version of what used to be known as the State Need Grant.”

California Trail Runner Ends Up With Infectious Worms in Her Eye (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “A Nebraska woman out for a trail run in Carmel Valley last year wound up with wriggly worms in her eye — and a rare parasitic infection … The 68-year-old woman, who spends her winters in Carmel Valley, is the second known human to be infected by Thelazia gulosa, a roundworm that usually afflicts cows, according to the Oct. 22 report in Clinical Infectious Diseases.”


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