Chinese Edit Genes in Twin Baby Girls - WhoWhatWhy Chinese Edit Genes in Twin Baby Girls - WhoWhatWhy

A researcher in China claims to have modified genes in twin babies born this month in an effort to improve their ability to resist future HIV infection. This first alleged use of gene editing to bestow a trait on a newborn is a major event in science and raises ethical concerns that have not been grappled with by society. Photo credit: H. Nishimasu, et al. / Wikimedia (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Chinese Edit Genes in Twin Baby Girls

Right-to-Die Law Challenge Denied ; Former DOJ Attorney Tells all ; ...And More Picks

Right to Die Law Challenge Denied ; Former DoJ Attorney Tells all ; ...And More Picks 11/27

Right-to-Die Law Challenge Denied by UK Supreme Court (Kirsty)

“I am particularly disappointed that the courts have instead listened to the arguments of doctors who have never met me but think they know best about the end of my life,” said the 68-year-old ALS sufferer who brought the emergency application before the court.

‘I resigned from the Department of Justice because of Trump’s campaign against immigration judges’ (Reader Steve)

Gianfranco De Girolamo was an attorney at the Department of Justice from 2017 to 2018. Read his story here.

Trump Pushes For Lower Oil Prices (Jeff C.)

As always, our president believes he, alone, influences everything. It’s doubtful he realizes what lower oil price (or higher) means for the industry, nor the global economy.

Berkeley City Council Elects Youngest Ever Council Member (Reader Steve)

It was a toss-up between grad school or running for office for 22-year-old Rigel Robinson.

U.S. Silently Passes And Signs Bill To Create New Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (Cactus Pat)

Congress passes a bill creating a new domestic spy agency without a peep from the press — who is too busy reporting Trump’s latest smoke and mirrors.