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Monarch Butterflies Are Dying Quickly ; The Science Behind the Therapeutic Effects of Cilantro ; and More Picks 7/23

Car Parts Made From Weeds: The Future of Green Motoring?

Monarch Butterflies Are Dying Quickly ; The Science Behind the Therapeutic Effects of Cilantro ; and More Picks

Monarch Butterflies Are Dying Quickly ; The Science Behind the Therapeutic Effects of Cilantro ; and More Picks 7/23

Which Senators Regularly Vote in Favor of the Rich? (Hint: Think GOP) (Gerry)

The author writes, “Using data on 49 Senate votes on economic, social, and foreign-policy issues between 2001 and 2015, as well as on national survey data from polling firms such as Gallup and Pew, the authors analysed how often senators voted in line with the opinions of the rich and poor — defined as voters in the richest and poorest income quintiles in their state.”

‘It’s a Crisis’: Facebook Kitchen Staff Work Multiple Jobs to Get By (Russ)

The author writes, “Nate Percastre makes $23 an hour working as a line cook at the cafeteria of Facebook’s San Francisco office, a job he loves and looks forward to every day. Almost anywhere else in the country, his wage would have been enough to support his housing, his food, his healthcare and all the other basic costs of living. But in San Francisco, where the median rent for a one-bedroom apartment is $3,700 a month, Percastre, 43, has to work two other jobs in order to survive.”

Scientists Scramble to Learn Why Monarch Butterflies Are Dying So Quickly (Chris)

From UPI: “North America’s largest population of monarchs, which migrate between Mexico and the Midwest, has fallen 80 percent, from a billion in the 1990s to 200 million in 2018.”

Can This Map Save Coral Reefs? (Mili)

The author writes, “With satellites the size of a loaf of bread — and some artificial intelligence — scientists and researchers are mapping the world’s coral reefs in an effort to conserve and restore the marine organism. Since its launch this past October, the Allen Coral Atlas has grown to include data from coral reefs across six geographic zones.”

New Study Explains the Molecular Mechanism for the Therapeutic Effects of Cilantro (Mili)

The author writes, “Herbs, including cilantro, have a long history of use as folk medicine anticonvulsants. Until now, many of the underlying mechanisms of how the herbs worked remained unknown. In a new study, researchers uncovered the molecular action that enables cilantro to effectively delay certain seizures common in epilepsy and other diseases.”


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