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Millions Raised to Reunite Separated Families ; America Discovers Central American Suffering ...and More Picks 7/11

Millions Raised to Reunite Separated Families ; America Discovers Central American Suffering ...and More Picks 7/11

The Judicial Jihad Against the Regulatory State (Celia)

Usually, a column written in 2012 does not remain relevant. But this op-ed is still fresh. It vividly describes Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh as a man who is willing to do analytical somersaults to interpret the law to favor corporations. “For all his intelligence, Kavanaugh is nothing more than a partisan shock trooper in a black robe waging an ideological battle against government regulation.”

Facebook Fundraiser to Reunite Families Separated at Border Brings in Millions (Reader Jane)

The author writes, “By midday Wednesday, more than 250,000 people, including Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and COO Sheryl Sandberg, had donated more than $10 million to the “Reunite an immigrant parent with their child” fundraiser, started by Bay Area couple Dave and Charlotte Willner over the weekend with an initial goal of raising $1,500.”

Let Me Out of Guantanamo: A Detainee’s Plea (Jimmy)

The author writes, “I have a deep fear that I have disappeared into a parallel universe, one where I have been forgotten forever. Here I am in Guantanamo Bay, coming up on 16 years in captivity, never charged with a crime.”

The Discovery of Central American Suffering (Reader Luke)

The author writes, “Trump’s policy is malicious, heartless, cold-hearted. But it isn’t new. Both in Central America and along its Mexican border, Washington has helped rip apart families for decades, forcing children to endure a world without their parents, mothers to cope with their children’s sickening ends. Abject inhumanity, in other words, is a US foreign policy hallmark.”


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