ACLU Raises Alarm on Amazon Facial Recognition Tech - WhoWhatWhy ACLU Raises Alarm on Amazon Facial Recognition Tech - WhoWhatWhy

facial recognition
Faces in the Crowd: The ACLU is raising alarms about an inexpensive facial recognition system Amazon is offering. The group said in a statement, “People should be free to walk down the street without being watched by the government.” Photo credit: Lorie Shaull / Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)

ACLU Raises Alarm on Amazon Facial Recognition Tech

DNC Intervention in NY Primary ; Back to Crisis Mode in Korea ...and More Picks

DNC Intervention in NY Primary ; Back to Crisis Mode in Korea ...and More Picks 5/25

Perez Infuriates Liberals With Cuomo Endorsement (Jimmy)

The author writes, “Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez has said repeatedly that the national party shouldn’t, and won’t, endorse in primaries. But on Thursday, he stood on a Long Island stage and endorsed Andrew Cuomo, the New York governor who is facing a challenge from actress Cynthia Nixon.”

House Votes to Mandate Investigation of US Involvement in Yemen’s Secret Torture Prisons (Reader Luke)

The author writes, “Current US law prohibits American personnel from using interrogation techniques not authorized by a US Army field manual on human intelligence collection, including many of the torture techniques the CIA used after 9/11. But its protections are much weaker when US allies are the ones doing the torturing. ”

US Bill Would Force Tech Companies to Disclose Foreign Software Probes (Jimmy)

The author writes, “US tech companies would be forced to disclose if they allowed American adversaries, like Russia and China, to examine the inner workings of software sold to the US military under proposed legislation, Senate staff told Reuters on Thursday.”

With Trump’s Cancellation of the Summit With Kim, Korea Is Back in Crisis Mode (Reader Luke)

What set off Trump to cancel the summit meeting? A blistering statement from North Korean Vice Foreign Minister Kim Kye-gwan. What set off Kim Kye-gwan? Vice President Mike Pence’s recent warning on Fox News — echoed earlier by National Security Adviser John Bolton — that North Korea could end up like Libya.