WhoWhatWhy’s First Kickstarter Campaign: The Post-Election Project - WhoWhatWhy WhoWhatWhy’s First Kickstarter Campaign: The Post-Election Project - WhoWhatWhy


At WhoWhatWhy, we do a lot for you, for free. Now, you get to do something for us—that ultimately benefits you. Take a minute and get on our Kickstarter bandwagon.

WhoWhatWhy fans come in many flavors. You’re not predictable—not in your political views, not in your thinking about economics, not in your personal approach to civic participation.

But you agree on one thing: you don’t like being lied to.

You’ve told us again and again that WhoWhatWhy has become a favorite source for news and analysis precisely because we share that attitude.

Of course, the antidote to lies is lots and lots of truth. That’s our mission every day. We put aside our preconceptions and take off our rose-colored lenses, and then go wherever the story takes us.

Our Next Step—And Yours

Today, the story takes us to a simple fact: we cannot continue to do what we do, and we certainly cannot grow, without your financial support.

Now, we know that message resonates with you. Last year, when we conducted our first-ever reader survey, hundreds of you responded, at great length.

And you told us two things more than anything else.

-You want us to grow quickly so we’re able to deliver more stories, more often

-You actually wish we asked for your financial support more aggressively, and more frequently. Yes, you really did.

OK. So, here’s our first serious effort at raising the kind of funds we need to put this operation on a booster rocket:

We’re launching an important new initiative: WhoWhatWhy’s Post-Election Project. And we’re doing the fundraising via Kickstarter. If you have never seen this clever tool, you will be glad to make its  acquaintance. Kickstarter allows those with ideas to connect with those who can choose to make those ideas possible. It’s right in the spirit of WhoWhatWhy.  Please go to the link here, and check it out.

link: https://tinyurl.com/whokickstarter

A Little Housekeeping

Before you can get started, though, there are a couple of small things you need to do to participate—neither of which should take you more than a couple of minutes:

Pledging to our campaign takes two accounts: a Kickstarter account to pledge, and an Amazon account to pay.

When you get to our Kickstarter page, choose either the “Back This Project” button, or chose a “Pledge” amount from the menu on the right. A new window will open for you to sign into Kickstarter and open your Amazon account.

If you aren’t already part of Kickstarter, they just need your email and a password to join. 

You may already have an Amazon account to purchase books and such, so you can use your email and password for that. If you need to start an Amazon account to back our project, they will require you to pick a method of payment—credit/debit card, billing address. Each onscreen window will point you to the next step.

Once you have confirmed your pledge, you will receive a confirmation screen and an email.

If you get stuck, please send us an email via infoATwhowhatwhy.org (but replace AT with @)

Here We Go…

Our Post-Election Project is our commitment to pay attention to Washington, Wall Street and other power centers at precisely the time when so much of the media stops paying attention: when the excitement of the presidential horse race dies down.  We’ll be in there doing all kinds of investigations, bringing you things you need to know and won’t find anywhere else.

Again, please visit our Kickstarter page. And please…kickstart our new project today. We need you, our core readership, to start the snowball. The more of you who give early on, the more you inspire others to do so as well. Today and the early days of this 30-day Kickstarter campaign are crucial, because if we do not meet our stated financial target, we get to keep none of it.

Many thanks for being a part of this unique experiment in treating the news-reading public like adults.

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  • Russ Baker is Editor-in-Chief of WhoWhatWhy. He is an award-winning investigative journalist who specializes in exploring power dynamics behind major events.

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