A Look Back at Our 2019 Front Page Artwork - WhoWhatWhy A Look Back at Our 2019 Front Page Artwork - WhoWhatWhy


Looking back at promotional art for 2019. Photo credit: Guido Klumpe / Flickr (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

One of the things that sets WhoWhatWhy apart from other news sites is that nearly all of our articles come with their own artwork. These “panoramas” offer a visual representation of what the stories are about. Here are some of our favorites from 2019.

WhoWhatWhy features new artwork on the top of the front page each day to promote and illustrate the most important stories we publish. These “panoramas” are replaced quickly — usually within 48 hours — which is a shame because a lot of work goes into them and they are true works of art. 

As part of our series reviewing WhoWhatWhy’s work this year, below are some of our favorite panoramas from 2019. 

Robot, Dog, Animation

Bye Bye Fido, Hello Robo

Is a cat or dog too much responsibility for you? Don’t worry — AI robots are replacing them.


Will Stacey Abrams Use Bully Pulpit to Fight for Democracy?

Stacey Abrams knows all about the impact that voter suppression and other anti-democracy measures can have on an election. We hope she uses the response to the State of the Union address to urge Americans to fight for democracy — while they still can.

How Public-Private Partnerships Are Killing Us

The weakness of government regulators and why the fox should not be guarding the henhouse.

No Blind Mice: Hope for Humans Too

Mice are able to see how they run thanks to gene therapists at UC Berkeley, and it looks promising for macular degeneration patients.

‘Tricky Dick’: Behind the Prevailing Myth, There’s Another Story

The evidence suggests President Nixon was set up by powerful interests deeply unhappy with his policies. 

The Frightening Rise of Algorithms

Why and how algorithms are taking over our lives, why we should care and what we can do about it.

Jeffrey Epstein Death: A Little Skepticism is Warranted

Do we now just accept that Jeffrey Epstein killed himself? Maybe he did. And maybe he didn’t. 

Alaska Becomes Latest Target of GOP’s Infamous Budget Mercenary

The devastating cuts to the University of Alaska’s budget can be linked to similar cuts nationwide engineered by budget mercenary Donna Arduin for almost 25 years.

America’s Long History of Hating Immigrants

A look at how things like the Chinese Exclusion Act, eugenics, and white America’s desire for racial purity have historically been far worse than what we are seeing today — at least so far.

A Threat to a Whistleblower Is a Threat to Us All

House Republicans and President Donald Trump are trying to  unmask the Ukraine whistleblower. If they succeed, will future whistleblowers keep silent? 

From Useful Idiot to Working Asset

Former Navy officer, intelligence analyst, and author Malcolm Nance talks about the Trump/Putin master plan. 

Aivar Rehe, family, Danske Bank, Estonia

Death of a Banker: Did Laundered Russian Billions Play a Role? Part I: The Russian Laundromat

WhoWhatWhy investigates the unexplained death of a banker connected to the world’s largest money laundering case, and discovers even more mysteries. 

Related front page panorama photo credit: Adapted by WhoWhatWhy from Bradley Siefert / Flickr (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0).