Oswald in Mexico Pt 6, Why the CIA Is Using Paris to Smear Snowden, Rubio Wants Followers To "Ignore" Laws That Violate Their Faith: Nov 27, 2015 - WhoWhatWhy Oswald in Mexico Pt 6, Why the CIA Is Using Paris to Smear Snowden, Rubio Wants Followers To "Ignore" Laws That Violate Their Faith: Nov 27, 2015 - WhoWhatWhy


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David Atlee Phillips. Photo credit: Adapted by WhoWhatWhy from Shane McBryde / YouTube.

David Atlee Phillips.
Photo credit: Adapted by WhoWhatWhy from Shane McBryde / YouTube.

The CIA, Mafia, Mexico — and Oswald, Part 6
By Peter Dale Scott
This is a complex story, as fascinating as it is appalling. It is about how the CIA and FBI suppressed a major clue to the existence of a pre-JFK-assassination conspiracy. And about how alleged evidence of Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico was manipulated and altered by elements in the CIA and their Mexican clients, the Dirección Federal de Seguridad (DFS).


PICKS are stories from many sources, selected by our editors or recommended by our readers because they are important, surprising, troubling, enlightening, inspiring, or amusing. They appear on our site and in our daily newsletter. Please send suggested articles, videos, podcasts, etc. to picks@whowhatwhy.org.

The World Radiocommunication Conferences (WRC) ends today in Geneva, Switzerland. An agreement was reached on the allocation of radio frequency spectrum to allow the use of satellites for real-time global flight tracking in civil aviation, which could help prevent a repeat of the “tragic loss” of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 in March 2014. Other issues related to civilian unmanned aircraft systems (drones) and radio spectrum allocation were also on the agenda. About this photo: Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines. Photo Credit: Paul Rowbotham / Wikimedia (CC BY-SA 2.0).

The World Radiocommunication Conferences (WRC) ends today in Geneva, Switzerland. An agreement was reached on the allocation of radio frequency spectrum to allow the use of satellites for real-time global flight tracking in civil aviation, which could help prevent a repeat of the “tragic loss” of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 in March 2014. Other issues related to civilian unmanned aircraft systems (drones) and radio spectrum allocation were also on the agenda. About this photo: Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines.

Photo credit: Paul Rowbotham / Wikimedia (CC BY-SA 2.0).

Why CIA Is Using Paris to Smear Snowden (Russ)
“Bodies were still lying in the streets of Paris when CIA operatives began exploiting the resulting fear and anger to advance long-standing political agendas. They and their congressional allies instantly attempted to heap blame for the atrocity not on Islamic State but on several preexisting adversaries: Internet encryption, Silicon Valley’s privacy policies and Edward Snowden.”

Rubio: It’s OK to Ignore Laws That Violate God’s Rules (Klaus)
In a move that will likely help him secure the ISIS vote, Republican presidential hopeful Marco Rubio said that “God’s rules always win” if there is a conflict between government authority and religious decrees.

Chicago Charged On-Duty Cop With Murder for First Time Ever (Trevin)
White police officer Jason Van Dyke was charged with first-degree murder for shooting the black 17 year old Laquan McDonald 16 times, killing him. The boy was shot “in the left scalp, neck, left and right chest, left elbow, upper arm, left forearm, right upper leg, left upper back, left elbow, right upper arm, right arm, right forearm, right hand, right lower back, and right upper leg.”

Disease Victims Often Shut out of Workers’ Comp System (Trevin)
Workers’ compensation rarely works for “job-triggered diseases that creep up over time.”

Emails Show Politico’s Mike Allen Promised Positive Coverage of Chelsea Clinton (Trevin)
A prime example of what some journalists will stoop to in exchange for access.


Pardoning Turkeys Is a Tradition Obama Could Clearly Do Without (Klaus)
A funny video showing that President Barack Obama would rather be doing something other than pardoning turkeys.


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