Podcast: Russ Baker on Trump, Jeb and More - WhoWhatWhy Podcast: Russ Baker on Trump, Jeb and More - WhoWhatWhy

Russ Baker (left), Jack Blood (right) Photo credit: Jack Blood / Myspace

Podcast: Russ Baker on Trump, Jeb and More

Trump, Bush, Bad Media, Elites’ Nonsense, Modern Conversation, and More


Here’s WhoWhatWhy Editor in Chief Russ Baker with the podcaster Jack Blood a few months back. In this wide-ranging discussion, they mulled Donald Trump; what’s wrong with the candidates and the coverage; problems with modern conversation; the importance of thinking and reading outside the box; the narrow mindset of elites; and more.

Radio host Jack Blood, true to his surname, takes no prisoners. In this lively podcast conversation, first aired in August, Blood queries WhoWhatWhy Editor in Chief Russ Baker on a variety of topics, all still very timely. Themes include Donald Trump; what’s wrong with the candidates and the coverage; problems with modern conversation; the importance of thinking and reading outside the box; the narrow mindset of elites; and more.


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Related front page panorama photo credit: Bush Family (National Archives / Wikimedia), Donald Trump (Ninian Reid / Flickr [CC BY 2.0]), Boston Marathon Street Scene – (Aaron Tang / Wikimedia)


  • Russ Baker

    Russ Baker is Editor-in-Chief of WhoWhatWhy. He is an award-winning investigative journalist who specializes in exploring power dynamics behind major events.

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