Editors’ Picks for Nov 6 - WhoWhatWhy Editors’ Picks for Nov 6 - WhoWhatWhy

NATO Allies and Partners trained together during exercise Trident Juncture 2015 the largest NATO exercise in more than a decade. Over 36.000 troops participated in exercises across Italy, Spain and Portugal. Trident Juncture 2015 will end today.  Photo Credit: Air Mobility Command

Editors’ Picks for Nov 6

SCOTUS to Probe Racial Prejudice on Juries, Expert Advisers Decry EPA's Sneaky Fracking Language, Voters in Maine and Seattle Stick It to the 1 Percent, and More Picks

SCOTUS to probe racial prejudice on juries, expert advisers decry EPA's sneaky fracking language, voters in Maine and Seattle stick it to the 1 percent, and more Picks

PICKS are stories from many sources, selected by our editors or recommended by our readers because they are important, surprising, troubling, enlightening, inspiring, or amusing. They appear on our site and in our daily newsletter. Please send suggested articles, videos, podcasts, etc. to picks@whowhatwhy.org.

SCOTUS to Probe Racial Prejudice on Juries (Russ)

Using one case in which an all-white jury sentenced a black teen to death, top court could generate changes in the system.

Expert Advisers Decry EPA’s Sneaky Fracking Language (Russ)

Give industry a sentence on drinking water safety that is misleading and can be used by fracking industry to claim clean bill of health — though not wholly justified. It’s technical, but that is good enough for propaganda purposes.

Voters in Maine and Seattle Stick It to the 1 Percent (Trevin)

On Tuesday, voters chose ballot measures to realize or fortify public financing, “an important reform that can increase the diversity of the donor pool and reduce the power of big money in politics.”

Poppy Bush Slams ‘Iron-Ass’ Cheney, ‘Arrogant’ Rumsfeld in New Biography (Trevin)

But the buck stopped with W. who he holds responsible for Cheney’s “seeming knuckling under to the real hard-charging guys who want to fight about everything, use force to get our way in the Middle East.”

Believable? We think not. Go here for a glimpse at the real “Bush 41,” by WhoWhatWhy Editor in Chief Russ Baker.

Should We Reject Luxury Goods? (Russ)

In this essay, the author, after pointing out the many reasons to abhor luxury, concludes otherwise.

Capitalism Is Not the Agent for Liberty, Equality, Fraternity (Trevin)

Cornel West and Richard Wolff join host Laura Flanders to discuss capitalism and white supremacy.


Graduation Ceremony of Iranian Policewomen’s Training Course (Kristina)

“In 2005, Iranian TV reported on the graduation ceremony of a training course for Iranian policewomen. Dressed from head to toe in black robes, the women climb down walls, dangling from ropes, hang out of careening police cars, their guns at the ready, in a simulation of a police chase, and make mock arrests.”
