Trump + Syria/France Extends State of Emergency/More - WhoWhatWhy Trump + Syria/France Extends State of Emergency/More - WhoWhatWhy

On this Day: Adam Lanza killed 20 students and six staff members at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., on December 14, 2012. He committed suicide by shooting himself in the head at the scene. Prior to the school shooting, Lanza murdered his mother. About this photo: Police arrive at Sandy Hook Elementary after the shooting. Photo credit: Adapted by WhoWhatWhy from VOA / Wikimedia

Trump + Syria/France Extends State of Emergency/More

Saudis Plan Deep Oil Cuts ; VA’s Expensive Price Tag for Execution Drugs ; Trump’s Gilded Government ...and More Picks

Saudis Plan Deep Oil Cuts ; VA’s Expensive Price Tag for Execution Drugs ; Trump’s Gilded Government ...and More Picks

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Saudis Signal Deep Oil Production Cuts (Jeff C.)

In a surprise announcement, Saudi Arabia signaled it’s ready to cut oil production more than expected. Oil prices have surged more than 15 percent since OPEC announced Nov. 30 it will cut production for the first time in eight years, rising this week briefly above $55.

French Government Seeks to Extend State of Emergency (Trevin)

The socialist government will request an extension of “sweeping powers of search, seizure and detention” — including the curtailing of freedom of assembly and warrantless police raids — at least through next spring’s presidential and general elections.

Expanding the Definition of Anti-semitism (Dan)

How a recent bill could further conflate anti-Israel, including the BDS movement, with Anti-semitism.

Gilded Government: Trump’s Off the Charts Cronyism (Jimmy)

Nomi Prins writes of the billionaire-class cabinet and what it portends for America. Crony capitalism is alive and well.

Virginia State Pays Pharmacy $66K for Execution Drugs (Trevin)

The cost has multiplied roughly 63 times since last year, for enough lethal injection drugs to kill just two inmates.