The Whistleblower’s Dilemma, Fawning Over Fracking & DNA Dollars‏: June 5, 2015 - WhoWhatWhy The Whistleblower’s Dilemma, Fawning Over Fracking & DNA Dollars‏: June 5, 2015 - WhoWhatWhy


RadioWhoWhatWhy: The Whistleblower’s Dilemma: Loyalty vs. Moral Obligation
by Jeff Schechtman
Whistleblowers are often ostracized for their willingness to speak out against corruption and unchecked power. What is it in human nature that’s so scared of transparency and truth? RadioWhoWhatWhy’s Jeff Schechtman speaks with former whistleblower Wendy Addison, recognized for bringing attention to massive corruption at a major South African company and now outspoken supporter of whistleblowers worldwide.


Edward Snowden: The World Says No to Surveillance
The world’s most famous whistleblower writes optimistically about the coming of a “post-terror generation” freed from reflexive, fearful responses to a single incident that led to the loss of liberty. While it is true that, as Snowden states, progress has been made, his Op-Ed comes on the heels of yet-another story about NSA spying run amok. Drawn from his trove of documents, Snowden’s “leak” truly is the gift that keeps on giving us the truth.

EPA: Fracking’s No Big Threat to Water
The EPA flipped the script on both its opponents and its supporters. In a newly-released study, the EPA failed to find any signs of “widespread, systemic” drinking water pollution due to hydraulic fracturing. For those who claim the agency is an “out of control” regulatory ogre, the report stands in stark contrast to its anti-industry image. For its enthusiasts, it typifies the Obama Administration’s persistently mixed messages on the environment. It’s being seen as a big win for Big Fracking, but the spin cycle is just getting started and the headlines may be misleading.

Amazon, Google Race to Get Your DNA into the Cloud
Biotech will be on cloud nine when they finally monetize the human genome. One big step toward billions of bucks is to find an effective way to upload and store DNA data onto mega-clouds that allow them to do advanced searches, research and cross-referencing of massive datasets. The field is called “cloud genomics” and Amazon is racing Google to cash in on the rapidly-growing market.

The Bomb Iran Lobby Gears Up for 2016
A bevy of bomb-happy foreign policy “experts,” belligerent billionaires and their allies in the Senate, are beginning their big PR push to derail the forthcoming final Iran nuclear deal before it can be implemented. In addition to the usual Senate suspects—like Senators McCain (R-AZ) and Graham (R-SC)—the roster also includes Bill Kristol’s newest neophyte Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) and some think-tankers looking for a gravy train to ride around the Beltway.


Chart: What’s the Real Unemployment Rate?
Today’s headlines are celebrating the latest unemployment rate—5.5%—as further evidence of a “firming” jobs market. But there is another number—the “U-6″—and that adds the “unemployed” with “marginally attached workers” plus those who are “employed part time for economic reasons.” These are often called “underemployed” workers. That rate is at 10.8%. And it still doesn’t account for those who’ve dropped out of the labor market.


Organic Farmers Make a Lot More Money than Conventional Farmers
A new study concluded that organic farming is 22 to 35 percent more profitable than conventional agriculture. Scientists conducted a “meta-study,” which is a study of studies. They looked at 44 studies covering 55 crops grown in 14 countries on five continents and found that farmers enjoy a larger profit and a more direct financial benefit by selling organic food. On the one hand: no pesticides. On the other, it’s financially better for farmers who are struggling to make ends meet in the industrialized, corporate food system. Seems like a win-win.

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