The Growing Wealth Gap, NSA Hackers & Dave's Big Sign-off‏: May 21, 2015 - WhoWhatWhy The Growing Wealth Gap, NSA Hackers & Dave's Big Sign-off‏: May 21, 2015 - WhoWhatWhy


2016 Presidential Race: WhoWhatWhy Curates the Best of the Media Stream
by The WhoWhatWhy Team
Following the candidates and the controversies with a WhoWhatWhy view. Want beauty contests and horse races? You won’t find them here. The stories which help you make a real judgment? Here’s where you start.


US and Israel have Worst Inequality in the World
It’s said that the US and Israel have a “special relationship” built on “shared values” and together they stand alone as a bulwark of democracy in the Middle East. According to a new report from Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) they also stand alone among member countries for wealth inequality. America’s richest 10% earns 16.5 times its poorest 10%, and Israel’s the richest 10% earn 15 times the poorest Israelis.

NSA Planned to Hijack Google App Store to Hack Smartphones
Another day, another shocking revelation from the treasure trove of Snowden documents. This time, The Intercept and the CBC published a story detailing tactics developed by the “Five Eyes” spying cabal—America, Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand—that were designed to crack into Google’s epic app store (along with Samsung’s store) to infect everyone’s smartphones with spyware.

Fox News Viewers Least Informed Among Media Consumers, Says New Study By Former Reagan Adviser
Bruce Bartlett, a former official under President George H.W. Bush and President Ronald Reagan, published a “controversial” study showing that Fox News viewers are less informed than people who don’t watch any news at all. In fact, by restricting their information source to Fox they engage in “self-brainwashing.” However, it is still unclear why this conclusion is “controversial.”

David Letterman Bows Out With 13.8 Million Viewers, 21-Year High
A chapter in late night television came to an end last night when Letterman signed-off for the last time, capping a 33-year run at the helm of two popular shows on two different networks. Letterman’s legacy has been widely hailed over the final days of the show. And his peers recognized Letterman’s influence with tears and with class. Here’s the final Top Ten List.


The E-Mail That Helped Catch Barclays
Barclays doled out $115 million to settle charges of currency manipulation related to ISDAfix, a global interest-rate benchmark that sets the $381 trillion interest rate swaps market. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission nailed ’em with an email from a trader stating, “Sometimes ISDAfix is manipulated.” Oops. And Barclays was one of six banks settling market rigging charges with a $5.8 billion slap on the wrist. Despite pleading guilty to felony charges, the banks secured waivers to keep on keepin’ on. Say “Goodnight,” Gracie.


BP Oil Spill Responsible for Gulf of Mexico Dolphin Deaths
A new study links the Titanic oil spill with lung lesions and shrunken adrenal glands in dolphins that washed up dead in the Gulf of Mexico between June 2010 and December 2012. Meanwhile, another company is set to begin drilling baby, drilling… right next to the site of the Deepwater Horizon disaster.

An Extraordinary Glimpse into the First 21 Days of a Bee’s Life in 60 Seconds
If your faith in humanity is shaken by financial felons, government spies and oil-soaked sociopaths… take a look at this amazing time-lapse footage of beautiful bees coming into being… before it’s too late.

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