Civil Liberties, Human Goldfish & The Late, Great B.B. King‏: May 15, 2015 - WhoWhatWhy Civil Liberties, Human Goldfish & The Late, Great B.B. King‏: May 15, 2015 - WhoWhatWhy


RadioWhoWhatWhy: Civil Unrest and the Violation of Civil Liberties
by Guillermo Jimenez
While covering the Baltimore riots, journalist Shawn Carrie was shot in the head by a police pepperball and held without being charged. These, however, are just two of the very many violations of civil liberties taking place in the wake of civil unrest.

Read Boston Jury’s Life or Death Form
by Russ Baker
This afternoon Boston Marathon Bombing handed down the death penalty for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Click here to read the form the jury had to complete to render its verdict.


Obama Offers Gulf Nations ‘Ironclad’ Security Cooperation
The President culminated his much-maligned and boycotted “Arab Summit” at Camp David with a public declaration of open-ended “security cooperation” with the Gulf States. The summit was meant allay Arab fears over a denouement with Iran and Obama’s contentious nuclear deal. But William Hartung of Foreign Policy pointed out that this is just the latest example of a president shilling for the defense industry.

Jeb Bush Fully Walks Back: ‘I Would Not Have Gone Into Iraq’
The Next Bush In Line is retreating from the line of fire. After a barrage of criticism from within the GOP, Brother Jeb has left the foxhole and retreated from the frontlines of the foolhardy battle to save his brother’s legacy. Although he did say he prefers to toe the company line (or family line, as the case may be). But that defense doesn’t really fly in post-Iraq America.

Israel Hawks to Pope Francis: Stay Out of Politics
Pope Francis keeps on upping the ante in his bid to make the Catholic Church relevant again. After continually picking fights with capitalists, climate deniers and, earlier this week, with global arms sellers, the Vatican announced a move to officially recognize the State of Palestine. The predictable response by hawkish defenders of Israel in Congress is also, quite frankly, incredibly hypocritical since they are a motley collection of religiously motivated politicians. Glass houses, people.

B.B. King: 1925–2015
A little bit of America died with B.B. King. The master Memphis bluesman and his beloved guitar Lucille blazed a path from the deep musical roots planted along the shores of the Mississippi River across the landscape of the 20th Century. And he passed on that uniquely American musical tradition to the likes of his close friend Eric Clapton and to generations of blues, R & B and rock and roll musicians.


The Dark Side of Development
A new study by the Oakland Institute highlights a terrible set of unintended consequences stemming from international “aid investments” in Ethiopia. The aid is being used to resettle as many as 1.5 million people and replace their homes with industrialized farming, to open up the nation to corporate investment and to produce “beneficial trickle-down effects.” Additionally, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists collected stories from 21 countries showing that World Bank-funded projects have displaced an estimated 3.4 million people over the last decade and “financed governments and companies accused of human rights violations such as rape, murder, and torture.”


Microsoft Study Claims Human Attention Span Now Lags Behind Goldfish
The folks at Microsoft decided to take a closer look at the impact of the Internet age, media technology and mobile devices… and they found that those who spend the most time on tech devices end up with the shortest attention spans. Luckily, tech companies are getting close to consumer market robots that can feed you, clean up your fish bowl and change the water if you lose track of time and end up stewing in your own juices.

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