Boston Bombing: Unrevealed, Hillary's Spies & Iran's Oil‏: Mar. 30, 2015 - WhoWhatWhy Boston Bombing: Unrevealed, Hillary's Spies & Iran's Oil‏: Mar. 30, 2015 - WhoWhatWhy


What’s Not Being Revealed in the Tsarnaev Courtroom
by James Henry and Lara Turner
A series of serious discrepancies in the prosecution’s case against Tsarnaev should be raising the eyebrows of the mainstream media.


Americans See Putin As Only Slightly More Imminent Threat Than Obama, Poll Says
Who’s afraid of the Big Bad Bear? One in five Americans are afraid of Russian leader Vladimir Putin, which put him barely ahead of President Obama on a list of “imminent threats.” That’s right, nearly one in five Americans sees Obama as a threat. But he can’t hold a candle to North Korea’s Kim Jong-un, whom 34% of people polled called a leading boogeyman. But, then again, many also regard Nigeria’s Boko Haram and the Islamic State’s Jihadi John as “imminent threats.” Clearly pollsters forgot to first ask if people knew what “imminent” meant.

Was Hillary Clinton, While Secretary of State, Running a Secret Spy Network?
A Romanian hacker called Guccifer might be the key to unlocking the mystery around Hillary’s private server… which has since been wiped clean. Guccifer snagged key emails from Clinton associate Sidney Blumenthal and uncovered a secret intelligence operation feeding Hillary info in the run-up to the Benghazi incident. Didn’t she say that she had no forewarning of the chaos that struck the diplomatic mission in Benghazi?

Was I a CIA Spy? 50 Years On, I Still Don’t Know
Longtime ABC News commentator Jeff Greenfield had a moment of clarity. He read a “fascinating” new book, Patriotic Betrayal, and realized that he may have been an “unwitting” stooge for the CIA when he took CIA-funded trips as a college student in the 1960s. However, in spite of his journalistic acumen and an on-camera admission from fellow traveler Gloria Steinem that she was a CIA informant during similar trips, Greenfield says he’s still clueless about the extent of his complicity.


Iran Reserves Coveted by Big Oil After Decades of Conflict
The company that eventually became British Petroleum discovered Iranian crude in 1908. The company was there when Iranian Prime Minister Mossadegh tried to wrest control of that oil for the Iranian people in 1951. The company was there when the CIA overthrew Mossadegh in 1953. Now, the company is known as BP and they, along with a bevy of Western oil companies and investors, are champing at the bit to rush back into Iranian oilfields if and when a nuclear deal is struck. Yup… it’s the oil, stupid.


Satanic Reverses: Religious Exceptions Are A Real Win For Devil Worshippers
While everyone debates the merits and perils of Indiana’s controversial “religious freedom” law, Mother Jones details the unintended consequences of Evangelicals’ long drive to break down the separation between church and state… and how it’s empowering Satanists to assert their religious freedoms in town meetings and public spaces like never before. Hail Satan! Or “The Dude In Charge,” as the case may be.

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