Young People Call for End to Gun Violence as Shootings Surge in New Haven - WhoWhatWhy Young People Call for End to Gun Violence as Shootings Surge in New Haven - WhoWhatWhy

Cop Who Killed Oscar Grant Lied to Investigators ; US Makes Asylum Screening Tougher ; and More Picks 5/6

Young People Call for End to Gun Violence as Shootings Surge in New Haven

Cop Who Killed Oscar Grant Lied to Investigators ; US Makes Asylum Screening Tougher ; and More Picks

Cop Who Killed Oscar Grant Lied to Investigators ; US Makes Asylum Screening Tougher ; and More Picks 5/6

Newly Unsealed Document Shows Cop Who Killed Oscar Grant Lied to Investigators (Chris)

The author writes, “[Anthony] Pirone called Grant the N-word while detaining him, hit him in the face in an ‘unprovoked’ attack, and later gave a series of false statements contradicted by videos, investigators said.”

UN’s New Planetary Health Report ‘Paints Quite a Worrying Picture’ (Chris)

From the Guardian: “‘The health of the ecosystems on which we and other species depend is deteriorating more rapidly than ever. We are eroding the very foundations of economies, livelihoods, food security, health and quality of life worldwide,’ said Robert Watson, the chair of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (Ibpes). ‘We have lost time. We must act now.’”

John Kelly Joins Board of Company That Operates Shelters for Migrant Children (DonkeyHotey)

The author writes, “Former White House chief of staff and retired Marine Gen. John Kelly has joined the board of directors for Caliburn International, the parent company of Comprehensive Health Services.”

New Training Document for Asylum Screenings Reflects Tougher US Stance (Reader Steve)

From Politics USA: “The Trump administration has revised training guidelines for asylum officers in ways that could make it harder for migrants seeking refuge in the United States to pass an initial screening. The revisions to a lesson plan used by hundreds of asylum officers suggest the Trump administration is finding new ways to narrow who can access asylum as bolder policy proposals with that same goal have been blocked by federals courts, said former government officials and immigration experts who reviewed the internal plan.”

Iguana Thrown at Restaurant Manager Is Now in Protective Custody (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “An iguana injured when a man pulled the lizard from under his shirt and threw it at an Ohio restaurant manager remains in protective custody at a humane society that is awaiting court permission to provide medical treatment.”

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