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How COVID Vaccine Hoarding and Selfishness Can Create a Pandemic Loop ; ‘Safe Space’ Email After Chauvin Verdict Turns Into Reply-All Melee ; and More Picks 5/4

How COVID Vaccine Hoarding and Selfishness Can Create a Pandemic Loop (DonkeyHotey)

From TRT World: “The Covid-19 pandemic is fizzling out — or that’s how it appears in a few countries and even there it is likely a short-lived remission. For a majority of the world, inoculation campaigns are sluggish, infections are rising and newer, more contagious variants are developing — some of which could reduce the efficacy of vaccines. Poorer countries have started inoculation campaigns, largely thanks to the Covax programme. … Yet inoculation is still largely a privilege of high-income countries, home to 16 percent of the world’s population, administering 47 percent of vaccine doses.”

‘Safe Space’ Email After Chauvin Verdict Turns Into Reply-All Melee at California Agency (Reader Steve)

From the Sacramento Bee: “A mass email sent by a California environmental agency to announce a ‘safe space’ discussion after Derek Chauvin’s murder conviction sparked a reply-all marathon as employees voiced support for police, accused management of ‘caving to the mob’ and asked to be removed from a ‘racially based’ email list. The ‘Reply-Allpocalypse’ erupted after an employee at the State Water Resources Control Board messaged all 2,376 staff members at the agency and its nine regional water control boards with the subject line: ‘Employee Support Lunch Through Teams Friday 4/23/2021.’”

The Politicians Who Tried To Overturn an Election — and the Local News Team That Won’t Let Anyone Forget It (Reader Jim)

The author writes, “The journalists at WITF, an all-news public radio station in Harrisburg, Pa., made a perfectly reasonable decision a few months ago. They decided they wouldn’t shrug off the damaging lies of election denialism. They wouldn’t do what too many in Big Journalism have done in recent months: shove into the memory hole the undemocratic efforts by some Republican elected officials to delegitimize or overturn the 2020 presidential election.”

With Impressive Accuracy, Dogs Can Sniff Out Coronavirus (Mili)

The author writes, “Many long for a return to a post-pandemic ‘normal,’ which, for some, may entail concerts, travel, and large gatherings. But how to keep safe amid these potential public health risks? One possibility, according to a new study, is dogs. A proof-of-concept investigation published [in April] in the journal PLOS ONE suggests that specially trained detection dogs can sniff out COVID-19-positive samples with 96% accuracy.”

Man, 79, Goes to Beauty School to Learn How to Do Hair & Makeup for Wife of 50 Years Amid Her Vision Failing (Dana)

The author writes, “A 79-year-old man from Alberta, Canada, went to beauty school last week for a lesson on how to do his ‘beautiful’ wife’s hair and makeup. His wife of 50 years has always ‘taken pride in’ her appearance and ‘it’s important to her,’ but due to failing eyesight it became increasingly difficult. … The husband — who has chosen to remain anonymous — wanted to first learn how to do his wife’s hair as she kept burning herself with a curling wand because of her vision impairment.”