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Trump's Emergency Powers ; Our Weird Behavior During the Pandemic Is Messing With AI Models ; and More Picks 5/18

What Is Facebook Going to Do With 700 Million Giphy Users’ Data?

Trump's Emergency Powers ; Our Weird Behavior During the Pandemic Is Messing With AI Models ; and More Picks

Trump's Emergency Powers ; Our Weird Behavior During the Pandemic Is Messing With AI Models ; and More Picks 5/18

Trump’s Emergency Powers Worry Some Senators, Legal Experts (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “[Ten senators] have asked to see [the Trump] administration’s Presidential Emergency Action Documents, or PEADs. The little-known, classified documents are essentially planning papers [that] outline what powers a president believes that the Constitution gives him to deal with national emergencies. … ‘Somebody needs to look at these things,’ Sen. Angus King, I-Maine, said.”

Detroit Realtor Charged With Threatening to Kill Governor and AG of Michigan (DonkeyHotey)

The author writes, “A downtown Detroit real estate agent is facing a terrorism charge after authorities say he made credible death threats against Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Attorney General Dana Nessel. Robert Sinclair Tesh, 32, [could face] up to 20 years in prison, the Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office announced Friday. He allegedly messaged the threats to an acquaintance on social media April 14 and was arrested later that day.”

First Coronavirus Case Detected in Ecuador Amazon Tribe (Mili)

From France 24: “Waorani organizations — speaking through the GO Alliance for Human Rights in Ecuador (DDHH) — warned COVID-19’s spread could be ‘catastrophic and highly lethal’ for their community, which is vulnerable to diseases. The first case reported in the Waorani tribe is a ‘pregnant woman, 17 years old, who began to show symptoms on May 4.’” 

Our Ability to Focus May Falter After Eating One Meal High in Saturated Fat (Mili)

The author writes, “[A] study compared how 51 women performed on a test of their attention after they ate either a meal high in saturated fat or the same meal made with sunflower oil, which is high in unsaturated fat. Their performance on the test was worse after eating the high-saturated-fat meal than after they ate the meal containing a healthier fat, signaling a link between that fatty food and the brain.”

Our Weird Behavior During the Pandemic Is Messing With AI Models (Dana)

From MIT Technology Review: “The pandemic has revealed how intertwined our lives are with AI, exposing a delicate codependence in which changes to our behavior change how AI works, and changes to how AI works change our behavior. This is also a reminder that human involvement in automated systems remains key.”

Why Life Went On as Normal During the Killer Pandemic of 1969 (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “Though Woodstock was not held during the peak months of the H3N2 pandemic (the first wave ended by early March 1969, and it didn’t flare up again until November of that year), the filthy festival went ahead when the virus was still active and had no known cure.”