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CA Still One State — For Now ; 3D-Printed Gun Publisher Wins Court Case ...and More Picks 7/19

CA Still One State — For Now ; 3D-Printed Gun Publisher Wins Court Case ...and More Picks 7/19

California Still One State — For Now (DonkeyHotey)

The California Supreme Court decided yesterday to block an initiative to divide the state into three parts. The measure’s proponents had gathered enough signatures, but the six judges decided unanimously to remove Proposition 9 from the November ballot. An environmental group challenged the initiative on constitutional grounds.

Israel Passes Controversial Jewish Nation-State Bill After Stormy Debate (Jimmy)

The author writes, “The most controversial clause, which appeared to pave the way for the creation of communities segregated by nationality or religion, was removed from the legislation earlier this week.”

How to Survive America’s Kill List (Reader Luke)

From Rolling Stone: “When a US citizen heard he was on his own country’s drone target list, he wasn’t sure he believed it. After five near-misses, he does — and is suing the United States to contest his own execution.”

In Recording, Netanyahu Boasts Israel Convinced Trump to Quit Iran Nuclear Deal (Jimmy)

The author writes, “In a video clip aired Tuesday by Israeli television, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu boasted that Israel was responsible for US President Donald Trump’s decision to quit the Iran nuclear deal.”

3D-Printed Gun Lawsuit Ends After 3+ Years — in Gun Publisher’s Favor (Reader Luke)

The author writes, “Defense Distributed, the 3D-printing gun activist group, has secured a settlement with the Department of State that will enable it to legally distribute its CAD files of firearms on its DEFCAD website, putting an end to a years-long lawsuit.”