Toppled Moon Lander Sends More Images Hours Before Its End - WhoWhatWhy Toppled Moon Lander Sends More Images Hours Before Its End - WhoWhatWhy

space exploration, private moon lander, damaged, photos, imminent demise
Photo credit: Official Intuitive Machines Photos / Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DEED)

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Toppled Moon Lander Sends More Images Hours Before Its End (Maria)

The author writes, “A moon lander that ended up on its side managed to beam back more pictures with only hours remaining before it dies. Intuitive Machines posted new photos of the moon’s unexplored south polar region Tuesday. The company’s lander, Odysseus, captured the shots last Thursday shortly before making the first US touchdown on the moon in more than 50 years. … Once sunlight can no longer reach the lander’s solar panels, [its] operations will end. Intuitive Machines expects that to happen sometime between Tuesday afternoon and early Wednesday.” 

Alabama’s Targeting of IVF Is the Christian Right’s Attempt To Control Motherhood (Dana)

From Salon: “A lot of people are understandably shocked to learn that the anti-abortion movement also hates IVF. After all, the movement claims to be all about motherhood. One would think the people who are always yammering on about how a woman’s greatest purpose is giving birth would celebrate those who endure IVF, which is both painful and expensive, just so they can have a baby. But no, the Christian right wants to end IVF for two reasons: First, because of the bottomless misogyny and homophobia that fuels the movement. Second, because the end goal for the Christian right is to turn the U.S. into a theocracy, and banning IVF helps them get there.” 

The Journalists Killed in Gaza — And What They Tried To Show the World (Laura)

The authors write, “Journalists in Gaza have been killed covering the war and sheltering from it. Some have died with their colleagues; others, with their families. They tried to report any way they could, recording scenes of carnage and rare moments of calm through photos, videos, and social media posts. The images they left behind — or the words they didn’t know would be their last — allowed a glimpse into the lives of besieged Palestinians in a devastating war. At least 85 journalists and media workers, such as interpreters and support staff, have been killed over four months of war in the Middle East. … The rate, about five a week, is the highest since the Committee to Protect Journalists began keeping global records over 30 years ago.”

Mexico City May Be Just Months Away From Running Out of Water (Russ)

The authors write, “Mexico City, a sprawling metropolis of nearly 22 million people and one of the world’s biggest cities, is facing a severe water crisis as a tangle of problems — including geography, chaotic urban development and leaky infrastructure — are compounded by the impacts of climate change. Years of abnormally low rainfall, longer dry periods and high temperatures have added stress to a water system already straining to cope with increased demand. Authorities have been forced to introduce significant restrictions on the water pumped from reservoirs.”

Measles Map Shows Where Outbreak Is Spreading in Florida (Sean)

From Newsweek: “A map shows the spread of measles as cases continue to grow in Florida as health officials in Broward County confirmed on Monday an eighth case of the virus, including one in a child under age 5. The outbreak appears to have emerged rapidly with six cases recorded last week, with health officials telling local health care providers that a third grader with no history of travel had tested positive Friday, February 16.”

Apple Cancels Work on Electric Car, Shifts Team to Generative AI (DonkeyHotey)

The author writes, “Apple Inc. is canceling a decade-long effort to build an electric car, according to people with knowledge of the matter, abandoning one of the most ambitious projects in the history of the company. Apple made the disclosure internally Tuesday, surprising the nearly 2,000 employees working on the project, said the people, who asked not to be identified because the announcement wasn’t public.”

Sheep Helps Horse Through Dentist Visit Trauma (Mili)

From the BBC: “A horse survived the trauma of a recent visit to the dentist – with help from her companion sheep. Jojo, a 19-year-old shire horse mare, needed an hour’s specialist treatment on her teeth last week. She spent the entire session with Hetty the black sheep snuggled underneath her. The animals’ owners, from Anglesey, said the pair are inseparable, while vets say it is unlike anything they have ever seen.”