The Price of Inequality? Lost Annual Income of $42,000 for Typical Worker, Study Finds - WhoWhatWhy The Price of Inequality? Lost Annual Income of $42,000 for Typical Worker, Study Finds - WhoWhatWhy

income inequality, annual cost, US workers
The author writes, “Income inequality has given the rich a greater share of the economic spoils than middle- and low-income earners. That’s resulted in a very real impact on the incomes of middle- and low-income households, with the typical full-time American worker now earning $42,000 less than they would have if inequality hadn’t surged over the last four decades. That’s according to a new analysis from researchers at Rand, the global policy think tank.” Photo credit: Eric Beteille / Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

Vaccine Makers Keep Safety Details Secret ; Fired but Still a Cop ; and More Picks 9/15

Vaccine Makers Keep Safety Details Secret, Alarming Scientists (Bethany)

The author writes, “It’s standard for drug companies to withhold details of clinical trials until after they are completed, tenaciously guarding their intellectual property and competitive edge. But these are extraordinary times, and now there is a growing outcry among independent scientists and public health experts who are pushing the companies to be far more open with the public in the midst of a pandemic that has already killed more than 193,000 people in the United States.”

Top HHS Official Accuses Scientists of Plotting Against Trump (DonkeyHotey)

The author writes, “The top communications official at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) accused career government scientists of plotting against President Trump and told Trump supporters to arm themselves ahead of the November presidential election. In a Facebook Live video on Sunday, HHS Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs Michael Caputo said the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was harboring a ‘resistance unit’ to Trump.”

An LA Neighborhood Is in Turmoil After Residents Place Boulders in an Underpass to Deter the Unhoused (Dana)

From Los Angeles Magazine: “On Sunday, September 6, as record-breaking temperatures scorched the region, a crew got to work placing approximately 60 large rocks along the walls of the Cattaraugus Tunnel, an I-10 freeway underpass. … The project was orchestrated by a group of housed neighbors intent on keeping unhoused people from continuing to take refuge in the tunnel. ‘The city was not able to do it for us, so we took action,’ says W. Peter Iliff, a Hollywood screenwriter who’s lived in Reynier Village for two years. ‘When an opportunity arose and there was no homeless in the tunnel, we moved very quickly, because we were kind of laying in wait for this opportunity.’”

Fired but Still a Cop (Reader Steve)

From the Seattle Times: “In the span of two months, he slammed a driver to the ground using an unsanctioned takedown, allegedly called a Black suspect a ‘monkey,’ and pepper-sprayed a suspect who was strapped down to a hospital gurney. Then-police officer Nick Hogan cost the city of Tukwila hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal settlements and later pleaded guilty to a federal civil rights charge. He was fired from two police departments. But the state never revoked his certification to be a Washington police officer.”

‘Mighty Mice’ Stay Musclebound in Space, Boon for Astronauts (Dana)

The author writes, “Bulked-up, mutant ‘mighty mice’ held onto their muscle during a monthlong stay at the International Space Station, returning to Earth with ripped bodybuilder physiques, scientists reported. … The findings hold promise for preventing muscle and bone loss in astronauts on prolonged space trips like Mars missions, as well as people on Earth who are confined to bed or need wheelchairs.”