The Perfectly Legal Inequalities in America's Rigged Educational System - WhoWhatWhy The Perfectly Legal Inequalities in America's Rigged Educational System - WhoWhatWhy

Terrorism's Double Standard ; US Deserves Its Own Nuremburg Trials ; and More Picks 3/25

The Perfectly Legal Inequalities in America’s Rigged Educational System

Terrorism's Double Standard ; US Deserves Its Own Nuremburg Trials ; and More Picks

Terrorism's Double Standard ; US Deserves Its Own Nuremburg Trials ; and More Picks 3/25

Terrorism’s Double Standard (DonkeyHotey)

From the Intercept: “Violent far-right extremists are rarely prosecuted as terrorists. … Since 9/11 federal prosecutors have applied anti-terrorism laws against 34 right-wing extremists compared to more than 500 international terrorism defendants.”

Report Finds Oil Firms Spend Millions to Prevent Action on Climate Change (Gerry)

The author writes, “In the run-up to the US midterm elections last year $2m was spent on targeted Facebook and Instagram ads by global oil giants and their industry bodies, promoting the benefits of increased fossil fuel production, according to the report published on Friday by InfluenceMap. Separately, BP donated $13m to a campaign, also supported by Chevron, that successfully stopped a carbon tax in Washington state — $1m of which was spent on social media ads, the research shows.”

A New Age of Warfare (Reader Jim)

The authors write, “Sophisticated surveillance, once the domain of world powers, is increasingly available on the private market. Smaller countries are seizing on the tools — sometimes for darker purposes.”

The US Deserves Its Own Nuremberg Trials (Chris)

From Truthdig: “University of San Francisco ethics professor Rebecca Gordon … posits that if America’s actions in the Middle East, especially in Iraq, were to be scrutinized the way Nazi Germany’s crimes were probed in the aftermath of World War II, the U.S. would likely also be found guilty of crimes against humanity.”

The Soldier Who Removed His Own Gall Bladder, and Other Medical History Marvels (Chris)

Ars Technica covers Thomas Morris’s new book, which features “stories about a sword-swallowing sailor, a soldier who removed his own bladder stone, a man with combustible belches, a woman who peed through her nose, and a boy who inhaled a bird’s larynx and started honking like a goose.”


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