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Singapore Outlaws Fake News ; Three Children Shot in Head by Police in Oklahoma ; and More Picks 5/13

The Elite Soldiers Protecting the Amazon Rainforest

Singapore Outlaws Fake News ; Three Children Shot in Head by Police in Oklahoma ; and More Picks

Singapore Outlaws Fake News ; Three Children Shot in Head by Police in Oklahoma ; and More Picks 5/13

Training Program for Afghan Pilots in US Ends After Nearly Half Go AWOL (Reader Pat)

The author writes, “The military has shut down a training program for Afghan pilots and maintainers in the U.S. because of high desertion rates among the trainees, according to the office of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR). Desertions among members of the Afghan military training in the U.S., who often claim that they or their families have been threatened by the Taliban, have been a persistent problem for the U.S. military and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).”

Singapore Outlaws Fake News (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “The Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Bill passed Wednesday night by a vote of 72-9 …. The law bans falsehoods that are prejudicial to Singapore or likely to influence elections and requires service providers to remove such content or allows the government to block it. Offenders could face a jail term of up to 10 years and hefty fines. Opponents in Parliament said it gave government ministers too much power to determine what was false and broadly defined public interest.”

Should 11-Year-Old Girls Have to Bear Their Rapists’ Babies? Ohio Says Yes. (Chris)

From the Chicago Tribune:  “The efforts to deny even the most vulnerable victims of sex crimes the right not to bear their rapists’ babies are real. And if abortion-rights supporters don’t rise up to stop them at every level, they will succeed.”

Community Outraged After Police Shoot 3 Children in the Head (Chris)

From Ebony: Police [in Hugo, OK] claim they began shooting because [William Devaughn] Smith was attempting to run them over with his truck, but many dispute this argument, saying officers simply could have moved out of the way rather than opening fire, especially into a vehicle containing children. It should also be noted that officers were in plain clothes that day, meaning Smith very well may not have known the two men approaching him with guns were police.”

Is Trump Hoping to Be Impeached? (Reader Jim)

The author writes,Donald Trump has so subverted Washington logic with his wild, norm-crushing presidency that there is now a serious conversation — at least among Democrats — about whether he views the ultimate constitutional crisis as a weapon in his re-election campaign.”

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